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Alex Urdiales

Alex Urdiales


I'm Aquarius Destined For Greatness Or Madness

San Antonio, TX
  • 4개의 팁
  • 87명의 팔로워
  • 135명의 팔로잉
  • 2 리스트
Alex 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • San Antonio
  • 모든 도시
Alex의 상위권 도시
San Antonio
4 Tips
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Alex Urdiales
0 장소 업데이트됨
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Alex Urdiales
8 장소 업데이트됨
8곳의 장소 The Majestic Theatre, Sanuk Headquarters, 26th Annual Broadway Flea Market & Grand Auction, Jump-Start Performance Co. 포함
    "Best Rice In Town Eat Some Eat A Lot Of It"
    Alex UrdialesAlex Urdiales · 6월 27, 2010
    멕시코 음식
    · 샌안토니오, 미국
    "I would say go during lunch for the food is cheap but great But the only thing about going during lunch is that is gets filled with people fast. So i try and go when it first opens up at 11:30"
    Alex UrdialesAlex Urdiales · 1월 19, 2010
    태국 음식
    · 샌안토니오, 미국
    "A great place for cheap food. And by cheap I don't mean the food is awful because the food is GREAT. The workers are always nice. And the name happy guy brings a smile to my face"
    Alex UrdialesAlex Urdiales · 1월 19, 2010
    중국 음식
    · 샌안토니오, 미국
    "Its a great place for great Italian food. The cost is a bit much, but at least you get what you pay for. And the works are always so friendly and nice. Well worth it way better than Olive Garden"
    Alex UrdialesAlex Urdiales · 1월 19, 2010
    이탈리아 음식
    · 샌안토니오, 미국