Texas A&M University: Built in 1914, after Old Main burned down in 1912, Academic building has extremely thick concrete walls. Also, the replica of the liberty bell in the atrium is 1 of 50 given to each state after WWII.
Texas A&M University: The Aggie Fan-Zone opens 3.5 hours before kickoff. Be here for Kids Yell Practice, the Corps March-in, Gameday TV coverage and lots of food!
Texas A&M University (Joe Routt Blvd.), 칼리지스테이션, TX
대학 강당 · Texas A&M University · 6개의 팁과 리뷰
Texas A&M University: At 110 feet tall, Rudder tower is the exact height of Point Du Hoc, where Rudder and his Rangers scaled the cliffs clearing German gun batteries and making it safe for the D-day invasion to begin.