118/F, The Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong, 1 Austin Rd W, West Kowloon, Kowloon
호텔 바 · 西区海底隧道 · 243개의 팁과 리뷰
Moritz Bleiblieb: OZONE = best bar in Hong Kong Kowloon, located at the Ritz Carlton, 118th floor. Indoor & outdoor area, great view over Hong Kong, funky music & great mix of people!
Moritz Bleiblieb: One of the most vivid places in Frankfurt & shopping centerpoint. Go inside the "Zeilgalerie" and get to the last floor, from where you get this nice view (see my pic) ; )
Moritz Bleiblieb: Looking for a romantic place amidst the industrialized Ruhr area? Come to the Baldeney sea, don't forget your roller blades, skateboard ...
Moritz Bleiblieb: You're a singer, music producer...? Get your record label deal right here :p Otherwise just enjoy the architecture from outside as well as the Spree river