Shirley 님이 저장한 장소
Cavalli Cafe is one of Shirley 님이 저장한 장소.

1. Cavalli Cafe

1441 Stockton St (at Columbus Ave), 샌프란시스코, CA
커피숍 · North Beach · 59개의 팁과 리뷰

JonasJonas: Their tiramisu is better than the ones you get in the restaurants.

Queen Malika Cafe is one of Shirley 님이 저장한 장소.

2. Queen Malika Cafe

4416 18th St (btwn Eureka & Douglas), 샌프란시스코, CA
커피숍 · Eureka Valley · 18개의 팁과 리뷰

Pamela D.Pamela Day: The wonton soup with noodles is not to be missed. Great broth! And I like the dim sum.

Farinacci's Pizza is one of Shirley 님이 저장한 장소.

3. Farinacci's Pizza

9385 Olde 8 Rd (at 82), Northfield, OH
피자 가게 · 10개의 팁과 리뷰

Merrill O.Merrill O'Ryan: Besides amazing pizza, this place also has fabulous salads with real mozzarella and homemade Italian dressing!

The Blue Room is one of Shirley 님이 저장한 장소.

4. The Blue Room

916 S San Fernando Blvd, 버뱅크, CA
· 18개의 팁과 리뷰

Merrill O.Merrill O'Ryan: Use the back door. Regulars never enter through the front.

Preston's Candy and Ice Cream is one of Shirley 님이 저장한 장소.

5. Preston's Candy and Ice Cream

1170 Broadway (btwn California & Laguna), 벌링게임, CA
아이스크림 가게 · 12개의 팁과 리뷰

Jennifer T.Jennifer Tan: Toasted Almond....yum!!!

Pacific Car Wash is one of Shirley 님이 저장한 장소.

6. Pacific Car Wash

41080 Trimboli Way (at Irvington), 프리몬트, CA
세차 및 세부 정보 · Irvington · 3개의 팁과 리뷰

Joseph R.Joseph Rosario: Bring a coupon from any competing car wash, and PCW will match it!