1. O-Bar Restaurant & Lounge

8279 Santa Monica Blvd (at Sweetzer Ave), 웨스트할리우드, CA
뉴 아메리카 음식점 · 16개의 팁과 리뷰

Jason M.Jason Morgan: Do not go there on a Sunday - no ice tea, no bottled water, really bad service, bad piano music, awful!

Barrage is one of Raul 님이 저장한 장소.

2. Barrage

401 W 47th St (btwn 9th & 10th Ave), 뉴욕, NY
게이바 · Hell's Kitchen · 71개의 팁과 리뷰

gomezcamgomezcam: gotta love the 11pm happy hour. socrates is the best bartender. if he's not there the drinks are super weak.

Georgio's Country Grill is one of Raul 님이 저장한 장소.

3. Georgio's Country Grill

801 9th Ave (53rd), 뉴욕, NY
미국 음식점 · Hell's Kitchen · 80개의 팁과 리뷰

gomezcamgomezcam: their egg white omelets are delish! i also choose fries over potatoes for breakfast