A weekend of free uberX for Queens, paired with great deals from our favorite Queens venues with your ride receipt. More info at http://blog.uber.com/QUEENSLOVESuberX
46-42 Vernon Blvd (btwn 47th Ave & 46th Rd), Queens, NY
미국 음식점 · Hunters Point · 99개의 팁과 리뷰
Uber NYC: Offering free maple bacon popcorn with large plate at dinner or a free mimosa with a large plate at brunch during #QUEENSLOVESuberX, 11/29-12/1.
Uber NYC: Offering bottomless mimosas or bloody marys with a brunch entree or a free appetizer with a dinner entree during #QUEENSLOVESuberX, 11/29-12/1.