

(현재 폐점)
이벤트 공간구조물
SoHo, 뉴욕
팁 및 리뷰 아이콘17 팁 및 리뷰
사용자 아이콘
로그인하여 여기에 팁을 남겨보세요.

  • 인기있는
  • 최근
  • LionesqueGroup
    LionesqueGroup12월 15, 2011
    Yelp is having a Holiday Giftacular event here and we will be participating with a holiday pop up featuring Lion'esqueStyle designers! On Saturday at 12:00pm until Sunday at 6:00pm.
  • Maker's Row
    Maker's Row11월 16, 2012
    Check out the BUST Magazine Craftacular and Food Fair from December 1st- 2nd at 11am- 7pm! Handmade gifts, food, craft beer, DJs
  • Marlyn M.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Marlyn Marshall7월 10, 2013
    Building is old so climate control is always crazy and cell sihnal is almost nonexistent, but people working here are really nice.
  • Gary T.
    Gary Toriello9월 19, 2014
    Nice venue for pop-up stores and promotional events
  • Trace C.
    Trace Cohen10월 17, 2013
    Make sure to check out Launch.it!
  • Azure O.
    Azure Osborne-Lee12월 2, 2012
    Come check out the magick at Half Moon House's table!
  • Drinkopoly
    Drinkopoly11월 19, 2011
    LIKE Drinkopoly at Facebook.com/DrinkopolyUS for a chance to win a free game!!!
  • Inside New York
    Inside New York5월 6, 2012
    Taste of Hope: A delicious way to save lives!http://insidenewyork.com/2012/05/06/a-very-delicious-taste-of-hope/
  • David B.
    David Brahler12월 7, 2013
    Depending on your hipster preference or desirability, this is either your wet dream or personal hell.
  • Adrienne B.
    Adrienne Borgersen8월 9, 2014
    The Seed Festival rocks!!
  • Jordan W.
    Jordan Whittington9월 18, 2014
    It was free Remy Martin drinks tonight.
  • Willie D.
    Willie Dale3월 21, 2014
    Good spirits tasting = drunk
  • jojo
    jojo1월 17, 2011
    Come check out the new Plectrum by Ben Sherman Collection! Booth#408
  • John O.
    John Oldweiler3월 23, 2010
    Event space. Union Beer Great Brewers Show...amaxing!
  • Alina B.
    Alina Braverman5월 14, 2012
    Internet Week
  • Erros S.
    Erros Saba5월 10, 2012
    kapan kapan....
  • John H.
    John Hickey5월 12, 2011
    http://www.creativeunconference.com/ @82Mercer
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