Lisa Bartels Amico

Lisa Bartels Amico

Fort Wayne, IN via Los Angeles, CA
  • 3개의 팁
  • 24명의 팔로워
  • 14명의 팔로잉
  • 2 리스트
Lisa 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Los Angeles
  • West Hollywood
  • 모든 도시
Lisa의 상위권 도시
Los Angeles
2 Tips
West Hollywood
1 Tip
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Lisa Bartels Amico
0 장소 업데이트됨
0개의 장소
Lisa Bartels Amico
0 장소 업데이트됨
0개의 장소
    "complicated parking; awful food. Five-5oz tasting platter of beers for $6.50 is fun. Probably best for hotel patrons, not as an LA dining experience."
    Lisa Bartels AmicoLisa Bartels Amico · 11월 15, 2010
    맥주 양조장
    · 로스앤젤레스, 미국
    "It says "Italian frozen yogurt" but there's nothing italian about it. It's almost identical (down to the flooring) of Pinkberry. No gelato in sight, either."
    Lisa Bartels AmicoLisa Bartels Amico · 9월 28, 2010
    · 로스앤젤레스, 미국
    "Sashimi was beyond super fresh; friendly service. We thought it was priced right for Strip standards and our food was delicious. 1/2 price sake on Mondays is a perk!"
    Lisa Bartels AmicoLisa Bartels Amico · 9월 28, 2010
    일본 음식
    · 웨스트할리우드, 미국