Matthew Olson

Matthew Olson


  • 8개의 팁
  • 3명의 팔로워
  • 36명의 팔로잉
  • 2 리스트
Matthew 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Milwaukee
  • Fort Smith
  • 모든 도시
Matthew의 상위권 도시
2 Tips
Fort Smith
6 Tips
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Matthew Olson
0 장소 업데이트됨
0개의 장소
Matthew Olson
8 장소 업데이트됨
8곳의 장소 Coquette Cafe, The Knick, Bricktown Brewery, Pho Vietnam 포함
    Matthew 님의 최근 팁
    "The salmon was always cooked absolutely perfectly for me. The atmosphere is different and upbeat, considering everything (incl. the Dale Chihuly-style decorations). One of Milwaukee's best, I'm sure."
    Matthew OlsonMatthew Olson · 11월 17, 2015
    호텔 바
    · 밀워키, 미국
    "I had the "Yebeg Keay Wot", a platter of "injera" with chunks of lamb, along with lentils and "buticha" (bright yellow chickpea spread). It was okay, and the price seemed fair... but it's just okay."
    Matthew OlsonMatthew Olson · 11월 17, 2015
    에티오피아 음식
    · 밀워키, 미국
    "One of the best places in Fort Smith. I order a simple burger with a gluten-free bun, and it is always perfectly done. The service is noteworthy for being especially helpful."
    Matthew OlsonMatthew Olson · 11월 17, 2015
    · Fort Smith, 미국
    "This place is often overlooked, unfortunately. It's treated unfairly, I think, because of the small size and the cash-only rule. The very small staff is very kind, and the food is of good quality."
    Matthew OlsonMatthew Olson · 11월 17, 2015
    베트남 음식
    · Fort Smith, 미국
    "I went here for lunch once. The food here is okay, but the staff seemed inattentive. I was not very impressed, and I must say that I was disappointed, because I had meant to try it for some time."
    Matthew OlsonMatthew Olson · 11월 17, 2015
    · Fort Smith, 미국
    "The pho broth is richer here than at other Vietnamese places in Fort Smith. It's good, and the staff is nice, but I just have the feeling that something is missing here."
    Matthew OlsonMatthew Olson · 11월 17, 2015
    베트남 음식
    · Fort Smith, 미국