Syed Danial Alhabshi

Syed Danial Alhabshi


Newcastle, Australia
  • 20개의 팁
  • 250명의 팔로워
  • 257명의 팔로잉
  • 4 리스트
Syed Danial 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Kuala Lumpur
  • Woodridge
  • Cyberjaya
  • Putrajaya
  • Kuantan
  • 모든 도시
Syed Danial의 상위권 도시
Kuala Lumpur
4 Tips
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Syed Danial Alhabshi
3 장소 업데이트됨 12월 18, 2013
3곳의 장소 Awesome Fitness Gym, Musclezilla Gym, Celebrity Fitness Studio 포함
Syed Danial Alhabshi
3 장소 업데이트됨 10월 16, 2011
3곳의 장소 University of Newcastle (Callaghan Campus), Hunter Building, Huxley Library 포함
Syed Danial Alhabshi
16 장소 업데이트됨
16곳의 장소 The Depot, Chatime, Restoran Asam Pedas Anisofea, Kg Limbongan 포함
Syed Danial Alhabshi
159 장소 업데이트됨
159곳의 장소 Coogee Beach, Shell Out, Wagaya, Brunswick Street Mall 포함
    Syed Danial 님의 최근 팁
    "Their T-bone steak with chips and salad are the best on the menu. If you fancy rice with your steak, ask them for a side swap! And get your own Goder's steak sauce to bring home for only $4.50."
    Syed Danial AlhabshiSyed Danial Alhabshi · 11월 6, 2015
    스테이크 전문점
    · Woodridge, 호주
    "Family package RM165 for 3 tickets, free 1 ticket. Free ticket can use for adult as well, no need to be a child. So come in pax of 4, 8, 12 and so on. You'll save a lot. Promo until Feb 2015."
    Syed Danial AlhabshiSyed Danial Alhabshi · 12월 30, 2014
    · Putrajaya, 말레이시아
    "Immigration to gate time: Approx. 15 minutes."
    Syed Danial AlhabshiSyed Danial Alhabshi · 7월 5, 2014
    · 말레이시아
    "If you come in with a large group, and a number of you feel like drinking something simple, order a bottomless Iced Lemon Tea, share it among yourselves and ask for refills like a boss."
    Syed Danial AlhabshiSyed Danial Alhabshi · 12월 30, 2013
    포르투갈 음식
    · 쿠알라룸푸르, 말레이시아
    "You can buy tickets online or via app up to a minute before the actual showtime. And you don't even have to queue! Very convenient."
    Syed Danial AlhabshiSyed Danial Alhabshi · 6월 30, 2013
    · Glendale, 호주
    "Ikan Bakar Siakap Merah is definitely a must-try!"
    Syed Danial AlhabshiSyed Danial Alhabshi · 1월 12, 2013
    인도네시아 음식
    · Cyberjaya, 말레이시아