Duc de Lorraine

Duc de Lorraine

빵집, 프랑스 음식점카페$$$$
Côte-des-Neiges, 몬트리올
  • Tips
    Ioana V.
    "Check out the desserts (디저트) too, they look yummy!"(Tips 3개)
    Farhat A.
    "very good sandwich (샌드위치) for brunch"(Tips 2개)
    Caroline M.
    "Croissants are BOMB , the lattes (라떼류) are beautiful and strong."(Tips 6개)
    Shamika J.
    "Tasty burgers (햄버거), fresh produce and the selection of specialty meals"(Tips 2개)
팁 및 리뷰 아이콘77 팁 및 리뷰
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  • Jimmy D.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Jimmy Doux9월 16, 2016
    Really nice place, huge variety, amazing croissants and perfect service. WiFi pass: 5147314128
  • Omer I.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Omer Idrees4월 16, 2015
    Since 1952 and as France French as you can get in Montreal; even the servers are from France and it's awesome. Get their bowl lattes and sandwiches. Wide pastry and bread selection for take out.
  • Hugues C.
    Hugues Colpron5월 18, 2018
    Une super pâtisseri à allé un avant midi idéal après oratoire à 1min à pied.Le mille feuille est le meilleur que j'ai mangé à mtl.La terrasse est merveilleuse vu sur oratoire.Bref une pâtisserie clas
  • Caroline M.
    Caroline Mosel5월 31, 2017
    Croissants are BOMB , the lattes are beautiful and strong. One of my favourite Montreal establishments
  • Raja H.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Raja Hanna2월 1, 2019
    Great place for amazing desserts. You can have full breakfast in the morning, service is excellent!
  • anthony p.
    anthony pellegrin1월 9, 2022
    Me and my wife are french so we always looking for a good restaurant that are looking for good french food so when tasted the millefeuille from DUC DE LORAINE i felt just like home.
  • Tatios H k.
    Tatios H keysi4월 8, 2022
    Great value for the price You came with your food, I had perfect food. The bakery has so many great tasting items for me.
  • Jeffrey S.
    Jeffrey Silver7월 2, 2013
    I have been eating your fabulous croissants since I was a baby 48 years ago! They are as good as always! Now when I visit Montreal with my children we always come to "THE DUC"A bientot!
  • Chantale P.
    Chantale Pechard7월 4, 2013
    Gâteaux à la crème sont tellment délicieux ici! Je les adore et je peux les manger tous les jours! Goûts différents avec plusieures fruits! mmmm Aussi les gars ici sont tellment cute!
  • Sina A.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Sina Ahmadiasl1월 10, 2024
    They made my lonely birthday memorable by lighting candles and playing birthday song for me. I was really surprised. Also, the hot chocolate and the Paris-Brest that I ordered were extraordinary.
  • anthony p.
    anthony pellegrin1월 9, 2022
    My friend is french so when i invited him for dinner i wanted to make something french for him so when he tastes the DUC DE LORAINE MACAROONS he felt incredible.
  • Ellen C.
    Ellen Cooper6월 29, 2013
    It's fantastic place to have breakfast or tea, although they also serve meals. It's a little too chic place but the quality of food and location is worth every penny!
  • Ged사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Ged12월 26, 2016
    Great place to sit and enjoy yummy pastries with a good coffee. Servers are very friendly and relaxed for à french place ;)
  • Lane G.
    Lane Gleason4월 6, 2022
    Incredible Eggs Benedict Homard variety with tastiest pastry in town. I love this place
  • Farhat A.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Farhat Agwaeten11월 28, 2017
    Baguette Rôtisseur is very good sandwich for brunch with latte and dessert
  • Farhat A.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Farhat Agwaeten11월 28, 2017
    Delicious Paris Brest, you have to try it.
  • Nicole C.
    Nicole Chabannele7월 3, 2013
    C'est ma patisserie préférée en ville. Je viens ici chaque matin pour mon latte avec des croissants aux amandes. 5 étoiles pour cette délicieuse patisserie!
  • Sam B.
    Sam Bourners4월 6, 2022
    Very good! It is as good as it was founded. I love coming to this place every morning and have daily Burgers! Delicious!
  • Геннадий К.
    Кондитерская, основанная французами в 1952 году. Супер вкусные сладости, можно позавтракать или пообедать. Вид из окна просто исторический
  • Raja H.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Raja Hanna3월 31, 2017
    Bonne boulangerie française, les pâtisseries sont excellentes, la terrasse est belle l'été avec une vue sur l'oratoire St-Joseph.
  • Farhat A.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Farhat Agwaeten11월 28, 2017
    Wow, very tasty with latte with cream
  • Jean-Pierre L.
    Seperb! Mon grande merci pour cette charmante terrasse. Excellente bouffe, service parfait. J'ai eu mon bon foie gras avec un verre de Sauternes.
  • Lilian P.
    Lilian Peta7월 28, 2013
    Very good! It is as good as it was founded. I love coming to this place every morning and have my daily breakfast! Delicious!
  • Michelle S.
    Michelle St-urbain7월 4, 2013
    Great outside seating and service is amazing!! Coffee Bol is a great start to morning java consumption!!
  • Cliff P.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Cliff Pavlovic9월 11, 2021
    100회 이상 방문함
    The Mille-feuille are amazing. Personal favorite is the double creme one.
  • anthony p.
    anthony pellegrin1월 9, 2022
    je suis une perssonnne qui aime beaucoup hamburger je vais souvent aux MC donald, mais comparaiment a Duc de loraine ses rien a comparait avec leur burger
  • Régis L.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Régis Lemire1월 13, 2016
    Belle variété, belle endroit. Les prix sont plus ou moins abordable. L'expérience en vaux le coût.
  • Linda M.
    Linda Mary4월 8, 2022
    Wow, the bakery doesn't make it seem like the pastry is a waste of one's time because, really, it's really great and all the ingredients are in a pretty good place.
  • Kevin F.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Kevin Fulford6월 27, 2017
    Délicieuses pâtisseries et terrasse ensoleillée des plus agréables! Service impeccable!
  • Patrick M.
    Patrick Mastey6월 27, 2013
    la qualité des des patisseries est excellente, le decors est agreable et chaleureux, le personnel est tres acceuillant
  • Matt j.
    Matt jackson6월 28, 2013
    excellent chocolat chaud et patisseries très fines. service très rapide ! ambiance feutre, et décors somptueux
  • Willam D.
    Willam Davvi4월 8, 2022
    Service & Staff were excellent - I enjoyed their serviceI like the staff staff and the presentation
  • Farhat A.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Farhat Agwaeten11월 28, 2017
    Delicious Gâteau Moka
  • Helene M.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Helene Martin1월 30, 2016
    Great croissants. Beautiful pastry case (probably tasty, too?!).
  • Louis-Paul L.
    Génial! Excellent nourriture! François et companie sont excellentes! Merci a tout le monde
  • Ioana V.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Ioana Voicu3월 18, 2014
    Love the croissants and the latte. Check out the desserts too, they look yummy!
  • Nicole P.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Nicole Picard6월 17, 2013
    Incredible coffee variety with tastiest pastry in town. I love this place
  • Ian N.
    Impecable! Une place tellment charmante et délicieuse! Merci à toute l'équipe de Duc de Lorraine.
  • Shamika J.
    Shamika Jonas4월 8, 2022
    Tasty burgers, fresh produce and the selection of specialty meals
  • Farhat A.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Farhat Agwaeten11월 27, 2017
    Awesome Latte
  • Constantine K.
    Excellent service! Excellent food! Lot's of various choices! Nice to have you guys in our area
  • Omer I.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Omer Idrees4월 16, 2015
    Everything is awesome. Very France French atmosphere.
  • The Main
    The Main3월 24, 2014
    They're known for their almond croissant. Try it. Now. 자세히 보기
  • Rohots H.
    Rohots Hiyen4월 8, 2022
    Good food.. really good service and the bakery has good quality ingredients.
  • Beh N.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Beh Noosh10월 11, 2017
    A bit pricey but the nice thing is that they are not too sweet :)
  • Rami c.
    Rami carter7월 24, 2013
    Excellent service! L'equipe est bien formés! Et la nourriture est impeccable!
  • Boudreau j.
    Boudreau jensen7월 25, 2013
    Excellent service! Bonne bouffe! La terrasse est jolie! L'endroit est tres comphortable
  • Farhat A.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Farhat Agwaeten11월 28, 2017
    Mille-Feuille Pâtissière
  • Louis M.
    Louis Moubarak9월 6, 2014
    La pizza calabrese est pas mal ! Ils devraient travailler davantage la fraîcheur des produits !
  • Marcel B.
    Marcel Bloudeau7월 31, 2013
    Incredible! Delicieux! The food is excellent and the service is outstanding!
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