Kandu Tapia

Kandu Tapia

An enthusiast for red wine and Mexican food, born and raised in Mexico City, who likes to travel and experience local food and culture. Also a big fan of music.

Mexico City, DF
  • 85개의 팁
  • 0명의 팔로워
  • 0명의 팔로잉
  • 3 리스트
Kandu 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Cuauhtémoc
  • Cuajimalpa
  • Miguel Hidalgo
  • Azcapotzalco
  • Mexico City
  • Iztacalco
  • Naucalpan
  • 모든 도시
Kandu의 상위권 도시
1 리스트가 생성됨 · 6 Tips
1 리스트가 생성됨 · 1 Tip
Miguel Hidalgo
1 리스트가 생성됨 · 12 Tips
1 리스트가 생성됨 · 3 Tips
Mexico City
1 리스트가 생성됨 · 40 Tips
1 리스트가 생성됨 · 2 Tips
1 리스트가 생성됨 · 1 Tip
Kandu 님은 아직 팔로워가 없습니다.
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Kandu 님은 아직 아무도 팔로우하지 않았습니다.
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Kandu Tapia
70 장소 업데이트됨 1월 2, 2023
70곳의 장소 Cocina Abierta, Jules Basement, Maque Café, Porfirio's 포함
Kandu Tapia
3 장소 업데이트됨
3곳의 장소 Pulqueria Los Insurgentes, Salón Corona, Bósforo Mezcalería 포함
Kandu Tapia
26 장소 업데이트됨
26곳의 장소 Centro de Atención a Solicitantes CAS, Food Central, Moshi Moshi, Seguros CitiBanamex 포함
    Kandu 님의 최근 팁
    "Todo el trámite es rápido. Sobre todo si vienes a renovar la visa. Ten tus papeles bien ordenados y sólo necesitarás un par de ellos. Las instrucciones están en mexico.usvisa-info.com"
    Kandu TapiaKandu Tapia · 4월 8, 2019
    · Cuauhtemoc, 멕시코
    "Small but very functional shopping center. Many options for shopping and eating, including Apple, Massimo Dutti and even a Chedraui Select supermarket and cinema. Direct access to Hilton Santa Fe."
    Kandu TapiaKandu Tapia · 12월 13, 2018
    · Alvaro Obregon, 멕시코
    "It offers very good Mexican food, served in a modern environment and luxurious decoration. The quality of the ingredients is very good and the service is very attentive. Good options of Mexican wines."
    Kandu TapiaKandu Tapia · 12월 13, 2018
    멕시코 음식
    · 멕시코 시, 멕시코
    "The drinks are good and very original. They pay attention to detail and in general the atmosphere is relaxed. Some cocktails have even won international awards. A very good option to try new drinks."
    Kandu TapiaKandu Tapia · 12월 13, 2018
    · 멕시코 시, 멕시코
    "A very good track to exercise either by cycling, skating or running. The F1 season is an excellent event and has been listed as one of the best organized in the world."
    Kandu TapiaKandu Tapia · 12월 13, 2018
    자동차 경주장
    · Iztacalco, 멕시코
    "A very good place where you can taste traditional Mexican dishes, ranging from ancient recipes to some modern combinations. Try chile en nogada (only July-September season)."
    Kandu TapiaKandu Tapia · 12월 6, 2018
    멕시코 음식
    · 멕시코 시, 멕시코