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London Duck Tours

London Duck Tours

(현재 폐점)
보트 또는 페리여행 서비스 제공업체
Waterloo, 런던
팁 및 리뷰 아이콘16 팁 및 리뷰
사용자 아이콘
로그인하여 여기에 팁을 남겨보세요.

  • 인기있는
  • 최근
  • Ruslan K.
    Ruslan Kapral7월 12, 2012
    If you want a tour around London - take the Ducktours. It's an amazing and unique experience to see Central London from the land and the river... The guide we got was brilliant and funny :)
  • Lynsey P.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Lynsey Peters3월 12, 2014
    Arrive late in order to get a good seat, making sure you mob around the person running it when they arrive. We arrived over 30 mins before, and was sat last as she went to the back of the queue!
  • Martin T.
    Martin Tiedemann5월 20, 2012
    8 August: DUKWS amphibious vehicles, which previously served in the armed forces, now act as tour buses. Around 21,000 DUKWS were built, and were first used during the D-Day landings in Normandy.
    HISTORY UK2월 8, 2011
    The slipway next to the MI6 building is where Duck tours launch into the river. These distinctive yellow amphibious lorries were designed in WW2 and used for the D-Day landings.
  • P.O.Box: MOSCOW
    P.O.Box: MOSCOW10월 4, 2014
    Интересно и познавательно. Рекомендую.
    redspottedhanky.com2월 13, 2012
    "The Duck from the London Eye even goes in the River a Unique way to see London" - from @jaffawine #RSHTips 자세히 보기
  • Dazza사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Dazza6월 19, 2012
    Fantastic trip with great commentary. Not to be missed...
  • Jane S.
    Jane Shanahan7월 22, 2011
    Sit on the left. About 90% of everything we saw was"on the left". Of course, we were on the right.
  • Aidar M.
    Aidar Mullanurov12월 30, 2013
    Очень интересные комментарии гида. Но оказывается, что амфибия больше не съезжает в Темзу и не плывет. Об этом при продаже билетов умалчивают :(
  • K
    K7월 8, 2010
    Excellent guided tour by river and road. Learnt lots of interesting stuff. Highly recommended.
  • John B.
    John Bellingham5월 18, 2010
    Even though I've lived in London for over 20 years this was a really good experience that I can heartily recommend. 자세히 보기
  • Pete T.
    Pete Toon8월 21, 2013
    Fabulous fabulous trip. 5*
  • Brian B.
    Brian Bilbo2월 9, 2018
    See London from land and water
  • Stewart H.
    Stewart Howl10월 12, 2009
    Excellent and novel way to see London by both road and river. Great fun and informative too.
  • James W.
    James Whatley7월 9, 2011
    Arrive early to get good seats yo
  • Mark W.
    Mark Wing8월 18, 2011
    It's duckin' marvellous
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