Things to do in Budapest
Szimpla Kert is one of Things to do in Budapest.

1. Szimpla Kert

Kazinczy u. 14. (Wesselényi u.), 부다페스트, 부다페스트
호프집 · Zsidónegyed · 1241개의 팁과 리뷰

Peter C.Peter Csakvari: hip. the best pub in budapest

Rudas Gyógyfürdő és Uszoda is one of Things to do in Budapest.

2. Rudas Gyógyfürdő és Uszoda

Döbrentei tér 9. (Szent Gellért rkp.), 부다페스트, 부다페스트
스파 · Gellért-hegy · 105개의 팁과 리뷰

Ryan W.Ryan Williams: They're open until 4am on weekends (but stop letting people in at 3 or before). Great nightcap activity; home to the the hottest and coldest pools I've ever been in.

Széchenyi Gyógyfürdő és Uszoda is one of Things to do in Budapest.

3. Széchenyi Gyógyfürdő és Uszoda

Állatkerti körút 9-11., 부다페스트, 부다페스트
스파 · Városliget · 509개의 팁과 리뷰

Sony Mobile WTASony Mobile WTA: This beautiful outdoor bath is the largest thermal bath in Europe. It's a must in summer and winter!

Margitsziget is one of Things to do in Budapest.

4. Margitsziget

Margitsziget, 부다페스트, 부다페스트
· XIII. kerület · 165개의 팁과 리뷰

Attila V.Attila Vendegh: Budapest's Central park. A green island surrounded by the Danube in the middle of the city. Fantastic!!

Szent Gellért-szobor is one of Things to do in Budapest.

5. Szent Gellért-szobor

Gellért-hegy, 부다페스트, 부다페스트
야외 조각작품 · Gellért-hegy · 12개의 팁과 리뷰

Ryan W.Ryan Williams: Nice hike up and good views of the city

Gyuri bácsi vendéglője is one of Things to do in Budapest.

6. Gyuri bácsi vendéglője

Kertész u. 33. (Dob u.), 부다페스트, 부다페스트
동유럽 음식점 · Zsidónegyed · 7개의 팁과 리뷰

Ryan W.Ryan Williams: Awesome Serbian/Romanian spot.

Szépművészeti Múzeum is one of Things to do in Budapest.

7. Szépművészeti Múzeum

Dózsa György út 41. (Hősök tere), 부다페스트, 부다페스트
미술관 · Városliget · 69개의 팁과 리뷰

The BossThe Boss: The museum's collection is made up of international art (other than Hungarian), including all periods of European art, and comprises more than 100,000 pieces. 자세히 보기

Hősök Tere | Heroes Square is one of Things to do in Budapest.

8. Hősök Tere | Heroes Square

Hősök tere (Dózsa György út), 부다페스트, 부다페스트
광장 · Városliget · 247개의 팁과 리뷰
ChaChaCha Cabrio is one of Things to do in Budapest.

9. ChaChaCha Cabrio

Margitsziget, 부다페스트, 부다페스트
비어 가든 · Budapest II. kerülete · 10개의 팁과 리뷰

Norbert D.Norbert Dragán: Pretty cool open air place during the summer. Prices are reasonable, staff is ok. Visit on Wednesdays if you like tech-houseish music.

Old Man's Music Pub Budapest is one of Things to do in Budapest.

10. Old Man's Music Pub Budapest

Akácfa u. 13. (Dohány u.), 부다페스트, 부다페스트
호프집 · Zsidónegyed · 17개의 팁과 리뷰

Andreea U.Andreea Urcan: Good live music every night. Different genres and bands. Pub open til 4 AM ever night. Try it!

Romkert is one of Things to do in Budapest.

11. Romkert

Döbrentei tér 9., 부다페스트, 부다페스트
나이트클럽 · Gellért-hegy · 14개의 팁과 리뷰

Gleb F.Gleb Faldin: Great open air club, relaxed people, nice music and not entrance fee... Just great!

Liszt Ferenc tér is one of Things to do in Budapest.

12. Liszt Ferenc tér

Liszt Ferenc tér, 부다페스트, 부다페스트
광장 · Budapest VI. kerülete · 14개의 팁과 리뷰
Budapesti Operettszínház is one of Things to do in Budapest.

13. Budapesti Operettszínház

Nagymező u. 17. (Andrássy út), 부다페스트, 부다페스트
극장 · Budapest VI. kerülete · 25개의 팁과 리뷰
Városliget is one of Things to do in Budapest.

14. Városliget

Városliget, 부다페스트, 부다페스트
공원 · Városliget · 74개의 팁과 리뷰

Nikoletta H.Nikoletta Hendrik: Sit by the lake with a drink and enjoy the sizzling spring-summer atmosphere :)

WestEnd City Center is one of Things to do in Budapest.

15. WestEnd City Center

Váci út 1-3. (Nyugati tér), 부다페스트, 부다페스트
쇼핑몰 · WestEnd City Center · 175개의 팁과 리뷰

The BossThe Boss: WestEnd City Center is located next to the Western Railway Station, in Budapest, Hungary. Opened on 12 November 1999, it is known for having been the largest mall in Central and Eastern Europe

Klassz Étterem és Borbolt is one of Things to do in Budapest.

16. Klassz Étterem és Borbolt

Andrássy út 41., 부다페스트, 부다페스트
음식점 · Andrássy út · 111개의 팁과 리뷰

Joy D.Joy Ding: 14,000 forint ($60) for 2 people so so full. duck foie gras is incredible, caramelized & delicious