Todd Parker

Todd Parker

Certified Professional Photographer in Houton, TX. Owner & photographer at STP Images Photography. Owner of Houston Rental Studio.

Houston Museum District, Houston, TX
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  • 2 리스트
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  • Houston
  • 모든 도시
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Todd Parker
2 장소 업데이트됨
2곳의 장소 Vine Street Rental Studio, STP Images Photography Studio 포함
Todd Parker
1 장소 업데이트됨
1곳의 장소 STP Images Photography Studio 포함
    "Fantastically large rental studio for photography or videography. Huge, open 2500 square foot open warehouse studio with multiple outdoor vignettes with downtown skyline views."
    Todd ParkerTodd Parker · 3월 10, 2016
    사진 스튜디오
    · 휴스턴, 미국
    "Awesome photographer, great results and an incredibly cool studio in downtown Houston."
    Todd ParkerTodd Parker · 3월 10, 2016
    사진 스튜디오
    · 휴스턴, 미국
    "Houston Rental Studio is a 2500 square foot open warehouse space converted into a photography and videography studio. HRS also has incredible outdoor spaces as well with skyline views."
    Todd ParkerTodd Parker · 3월 10, 2016
    사진 스튜디오
    · 휴스턴, 미국