History 101
양키 스타디움 is one of History 101.

1. 양키 스타디움

(Yankee Stadium)
1 E 161st St (btwn Jerome & River Ave), Bronx, NY
야구장 · Concourse Village · 1142개의 팁과 리뷰

HISTORYHISTORY: The new stadium opened on April 2, 2009, when the Yankees hosted a workout day in front of fans from the Bronx community. The Yankees are the only team to inaugurate 2 stadiums with World Series wins.

미닛 메이드 파크 is one of History 101.

2. 미닛 메이드 파크

(Daikin Park)
501 Crawford St (at Texas Ave), 휴스턴, TX
야구장 · 239개의 팁과 리뷰

HISTORYHISTORY: Opened in 1999, the park is home to the Houston Astros. The ballpark is the first major sports facility to have a closed captioning board for the hearing impaired.

Stade Roland Garros is one of History 101.

3. Stade Roland Garros

2 avenue Gordon Bennett (Boulevard d'Auteuil), 파리, 일드프랑스
테니스 경기장 · Auteuil · 40개의 팁과 리뷰

Roland GarrosRoland Garros: Our beautiful stadium, built in 1928 ! The most beautiful tennis stadium in France. A real clay court tennis paradise ! 자세히 보기

Museum of the Moving Image is one of History 101.

4. Museum of the Moving Image

36-01 35th Ave (btwn 36th St and 37th St), 애스토리아, NY
박물관 · Astoria · 185개의 팁과 리뷰

Mike BloombergMike Bloomberg: Today, I was here to announce that the Museum will serve as the permanent home for Jim Henson's Muppets.

Providence Park is one of History 101.

5. Providence Park

1844 SW Morrison St (btwn SW 18th & SW 20th Ave), 포틀랜드, OR
축구장 · 108개의 팁과 리뷰

Portland TimbersPortland Timbers: EAST CONCOURSE HISTORIC MURAL - Brush up on your Portland history! Walk behind sections C1 and C5 to visit a timeline of events at what is now JELD-WEN field!

6. L'Olympia

28 boulevard des Capucines, 파리, 일드프랑스
콘서트 홀 · Chaussée-d'Antin · 60개의 팁과 리뷰

Orange FranceOrange France: Edith Piaf sauva la salle de la faillite en 1961. En 2007, Marion Cotillard tourne La Môme et remporte l'Oscar de la meilleure actrice. Suivez l'actualité Cinéma avec Orange sur Facebook. 자세히 보기

7. 물랭 루주

(Moulin Rouge)
82 boulevard de Clichy (Rue Blanche), 파리, 일드프랑스
극장 · Grandes-Carrières · 404개의 팁과 리뷰

Orange FranceOrange France: Aussi surprenant soit-il, aucune scène de Moulin Rouge de Baz Luhrmann n'a été tournée ici ! L'ensemble du film fut tourné en studios! Partagez vos coups de cœur et vos avis sur notre page Facebook! 자세히 보기

스타드 드 프랑스 is one of History 101.

8. 스타드 드 프랑스

(Stade de France)
Rue Francis de Pressensé, Saint-Denis, 일드프랑스
경기장 · 92개의 팁과 리뷰
The White House is one of History 101.

9. The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW (btwn 15th St NW & 17th St NW), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
공공기관 건물 · Northwest Washington · 512개의 팁과 리뷰

US National ArchivesUS National Archives: This Fourth of July, enjoy the annual Washington, DC fireworks display, a tradition for several years now. Take a trip in history and check out the display from 1969! 자세히 보기

US Marine Corps War Memorial (Iwo Jima) is one of History 101.

10. US Marine Corps War Memorial (Iwo Jima)

US Marine Memorial Cir, Arlington, VA
기념관 · 83개의 팁과 리뷰

US National ArchivesUS National Archives: The Fourth of July isn't just a celebration of American independence, but a time to remember all those who've helped shape our nation, whether they have a monument or memorial or not. 자세히 보기