EU Badge list
Europäisches Parlament Informationsbüro in Deutschland is one of EU Badge list.

1. Europäisches Parlament Informationsbüro in Deutschland

Unter den Linden 78, 베를린, 베를린
문화 회관 · Unter den Linden · 5개의 팁과 리뷰
Europos Parlamento Informacijos biuras Lietuvoje is one of EU Badge list.

2. Europos Parlamento Informacijos biuras Lietuvoje

Gedimino Ave 16 (Vilniaus Street), 빌뉴스, Vilniaus apskritis
공공기관 건물 · Naujamiestis · 팁 또는 리뷰 없음
Eiropas Parlamenta informācijas birojs Latvijā is one of EU Badge list.

3. Eiropas Parlamenta informācijas birojs Latvijā

Aspāzijas bulv. 28, 리가, Riga
공공기관 건물 · Centrs · 1개의 팁
Euroopa Liidu Maja is one of EU Badge list.

4. Euroopa Liidu Maja

Rävala pst 4, 탈린, 하류 주
공공기관 건물 · Kesklinn · 2개의 팁과 리뷰
Pomnik Bohaterów Getta is one of EU Badge list.

5. Pomnik Bohaterów Getta

Zamenhofa, 바르샤바, Województwo mazowieckie
기념비 · Muranów · 6개의 팁과 리뷰
Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej is one of EU Badge list.

6. Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej

Wiejska 4/6/8, 바르샤바, Województwo mazowieckie
의사당 건물 · Śródmieście Południowe · 5개의 팁과 리뷰
Parlament Europejski is one of EU Badge list.

7. Parlament Europejski

Ul. Jasna 14, 바르샤바, Województwo mazowieckie
구조물 · Śródmieście Północne · 1개의 팁
Evropský dům is one of EU Badge list.

8. Evropský dům

Jungmannova 745/24, 프라하, Hlavní město Praha
공공기관 건물 · Praha 1 · 2개의 팁과 리뷰
암스테르담 왕궁 is one of EU Badge list.

9. 암스테르담 왕궁

(Koninklijk Paleis Amsterdam)
Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 147 (Dam), 암스테르담, 노르트홀란트 주
궁전 · Kuip · 79개의 팁과 리뷰
European Council - Council of the European Union is one of EU Badge list.

10. European Council - Council of the European Union

Wetstraat 175 Rue de la Loi, 브뤼셀, Brussel-Hoofdstad
공공기관 건물 · Brussel · 28개의 팁과 리뷰
Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères is one of EU Badge list.

11. Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères

27 rue de la Convention, 파리, 일드프랑스
공공기관 건물 · Javel · 2개의 팁과 리뷰
Théâtre du Châtelet is one of EU Badge list.

12. Théâtre du Châtelet

1 place du Châtelet, 파리, 일드프랑스
극장 · 28개의 팁과 리뷰
Délégation du Parlement européen is one of EU Badge list.

13. Délégation du Parlement européen

288 boulevard Saint-Germain, 파리, 일드프랑스
공공기관 건물 · Invalides · 1개의 팁
Palais des Ducs de Savoie is one of EU Badge list.

14. Palais des Ducs de Savoie

Rue Alexandre Mari, 니스, 프로방스알프코트다쥐르
공공기관 건물 · 2개의 팁과 리뷰
Haus der Europäischen Union is one of EU Badge list.

15. Haus der Europäischen Union

Wipplingerstraße 35, 빈, Wien
사무실 · Innere Stadt · 2개의 팁과 리뷰
Euroopan Parlamentti is one of EU Badge list.

16. Euroopan Parlamentti

Malminkatu 16, 헬싱키, 우시마 지역
대사관 또는 영사관 · Kamppi · 1개의 팁
Senaatintori is one of EU Badge list.

17. Senaatintori

Senaatintori (Aleksanterinkatu, Unioninkatu), 헬싱키, 우시마 지역
광장 · Kruununhaka · 76개의 팁과 리뷰
Aurajoki is one of EU Badge list.

18. Aurajoki

투르쿠, 남서핀란드 지역
· Keskusta · 7개의 팁과 리뷰
Kulturhuset Stadsteatern is one of EU Badge list.

19. Kulturhuset Stadsteatern

Sergels Torg 7, 스톡홀름, Storstockholm
미술관 · Klara · 56개의 팁과 리뷰
Hammarby Sjöstad is one of EU Badge list.

20. Hammarby Sjöstad

스톡홀름, Storstockholm
주변 지역 · 12개의 팁과 리뷰
Sølvberget - Stavanger Kulturhus is one of EU Badge list.

21. Sølvberget - Stavanger Kulturhus

Sølvberggata 2, Stavanger, Rogaland
도서관 · 3개의 팁과 리뷰
Grieghallen is one of EU Badge list.

22. Grieghallen

Edvard Griegs plass 1, 베르겐, Hordaland
오페라 하우스 · Sentrum · 9개의 팁과 리뷰
Europahuset is one of EU Badge list.

23. Europahuset

Regeringsgatan 65, 스톡홀름, Storstockholm
공공기관 건물 · Klara · 4개의 팁과 리뷰
Congress Centrum Neue Weimarhalle is one of EU Badge list.

24. Congress Centrum Neue Weimarhalle

UNESCO-Platz 1, 바이마르, 튀링겐 자유주
콘서트 홀 · 4개의 팁과 리뷰
Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain is one of EU Badge list.

25. Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain

41, rue Notre-Dame, 룩셈부르크, Distrikt Lëtzebuerg
미술관 · Ville-Haute · 6개의 팁과 리뷰
유럽 의회 is one of EU Badge list.

26. 유럽 의회

(Parlement Européen)
Allée du Printemps (Rue Lucien Fèbvre), 스트라스부르, 알자스
의사당 건물 · Wacken · 36개의 팁과 리뷰
Katedros aikštė | Cathedral Square is one of EU Badge list.

27. Katedros aikštė | Cathedral Square

3 Cathedral Square, 빌뉴스, Vilniaus apskritis
광장 · Senamiestis · 63개의 팁과 리뷰
Szkoła Główna Handlowa is one of EU Badge list.

28. Szkoła Główna Handlowa

al. Niepodległości 162 (btwn Batorego & Rakowiecka), 바르샤바, Województwo mazowieckie
대학교 · Stary Mokotów · 10개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: The European Parliament President Martin Schulz met with the students and the faculty of the Warsaw school of Economics. 자세히 보기

Palacio Real de Madrid is one of EU Badge list.

29. Palacio Real de Madrid

C. Bailén, s/n (Pl. de Oriente), 마드리드, 마드리드 지방
궁전 · Palacio · 410개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: June 1985, Spain signed the Accession Treaty to European Economic Community and the Euratom. Over in Lisbon, Portugal was doing the same thing the very same day. 자세히 보기

Stoa of Attalos is one of EU Badge list.

30. Stoa of Attalos

(Στοά Αττάλου)
Αδριανού 24 (στην Αρχαία Αγορά Αθηνών), 아테네, 아티키 주
유적지 및 보호 구역 · Μοναστηράκι · 21개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: 10 countries - Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia - signed the Treaty to Accession to the EU in 2003, the biggest EU enlargement ever. 자세히 보기

Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster - C.C.R.N. is one of EU Badge list.

31. Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster - C.C.R.N.

28 Rue Münster, 룩셈부르크, Distrikt Lëtzebuerg
이벤트 공간 · Grund · 5개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: The Treaty of Accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the EU was signed in 2005. On 1 January 2007, the EU welcomed them into the Union, now made up of a full 27 Member States. 자세히 보기

제로니무스 수도원 is one of EU Badge list.

32. 제로니무스 수도원

(Mosteiro dos Jerónimos)
Pç. do Império, 리스본, 리스보아 현
수도원 · Santa Maria de Belém · 255개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: June 1985, Portugal signed the Treaty to join the 10 countries then in the ECC and the Euratom. 22 years later, all EU Member States would be back in the Monastery to sign the Lisbon Treaty. 자세히 보기

Palais d'Egmontpaleis is one of EU Badge list.

33. Palais d'Egmontpaleis

Kleine Zavel 8 Petit Sablon, 브뤼셀, Brussel-Hoofdstad
의사당 건물 · Sablon · 7개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: In 1972, Denmark, Ireland and United Kingdom signed the Treaty of Accession to the European Economic Community and the Euratom. 1 year later, the community grew from 6 to 9 Members. 자세히 보기

Parlamentarium is one of EU Badge list.

34. Parlamentarium

Esplanade Solidarność 1980 (Rue Wiertzstraat 60), Ixelles
박물관 · Brussel · 58개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: "The Nobel Peace Prize is for all EU citizens," says Parliament President Martin Schulz. Now you can see it for yourself, as part of the Nobel Peace Centre exhibition from 15 May till 6 October. 자세히 보기

Palazzo Chigi is one of EU Badge list.

35. Palazzo Chigi

Piazza Colonna, 370, 로마, 라치오 주
공공기관 건물 · Colonna · 4개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: The European Parliament is committed to supporting the Italian Government in facing the enormous challenge ahead, said President Martin Schulz 10 May after meeting the new Prime Minister Enrico Letta. 자세히 보기

36. Esplanade Solidarność 1980

Luxemburgplein / Place du Luxembourg, Elsene, Brussel-Hoofdstad
광장 · 5개의 팁과 리뷰

37. 유럽 의회

(Europees Parlement)
Rue Wiertzstraat 60, Elsene, Brussel-Hoofdstad
의사당 건물 · 53개의 팁과 리뷰
Gouvernement is one of EU Badge list.

38. Gouvernement

Limburglaan 10, 마스트리흐트, 림뷔르흐 주
공공기관 건물 · 3개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Signed in 1992, 10 years ahead of the Euro, the Maastricht Treaty lays the foundation for the European Monetary Union, introduces co-decision procedure and new forms of cooperation among Members. 자세히 보기

Campidoglio is one of EU Badge list.

39. Campidoglio

Piazza del Campidoglio, 로마, 라치오 주
시청 · 15개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Signed in 1957, the Treaties of Rome created the European Economic Community to achieve European integration via economic cooperation, and the European Atomic Energy Community. 자세히 보기

40. Miejsce Pamięci i Muzeum Auschwitz-Birkenau

Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, 오시비엥침, Województwo małopolskie
역사 박물관 · 187개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: "There are no words to describe the enormity of this crime," President Martin Schulz said when visiting the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp. "We must never ever forget." 자세히 보기

Kancelaria Prezesa Rady Ministrów is one of EU Badge list.

41. Kancelaria Prezesa Rady Ministrów

Aleje Ujazdowskie 1/3, 바르샤바, Województwo mazowieckie
공공기관 건물 · Łazienki Królewskie · 4개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: President Martin Schulz met with Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk. Later the same day, he met the President, the Senate Speaker and the Foreign Minister. 자세히 보기

42. Coolsingel

Coolsingel, 로테르담, 자위트홀란트 주
도로 · Stadsdriehoek · 2개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: For one Sunday, the street was closed off to make room for street sport event Your World City Games, as the Netherlands' youngest city celebrated 2009 as first ever European Youth Capital. 자세히 보기

Station Antwerpen-Centraal is one of EU Badge list.

43. Station Antwerpen-Centraal

Koningin Astridplein 27, 안트베르펜, Provincie Antwerpen
기차역 · Antwerp · 263개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: 800 children joined the Carnival Ball at the official opening of Antwerp as EU Youth Capital on 4 March 2011: the first of over 150 youth events, congresses and projects throughout the year. 자세히 보기

44. Inalpi Arena

Corso Sebastopoli, 123 (Via Filadelfia), 토리노, 피에몬테 주
음악 베뉴 · Filadelfia · 41개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: In keeping with the slogan "More life", students became performers 7-10 May 2010 for the Student Performing Festival held here - one of many highpoints of Torino's year as European Youth Capital.

45. Gare de Bruxelles-Midi / Station Brussel-Zuid

Avenue Fonsnylaan 47B (Frankrijkstraat), Sint-Gillis, Brussel-Hoofdstad
기차역 · Hallepoort · 382개의 팁과 리뷰
Villa Méditerranée is one of EU Badge list.

46. Villa Méditerranée

Boulevard du Littoral (Esplanade du J4), 마르세유, 프로방스알프코트다쥐르
미술관 · Joliette · 9개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Sunday 7 April, president Martin Schulz calls for parliaments to do more to foster democracy in Arab Spring countries, at the Union for the Mediterranean's 1st meeting of Parliament speakers. 자세히 보기

47. Fisketorvet

Kalvebod Brygge 59, 코펜하겐, Region Hovedstaden
쇼핑몰 · Fisketorvets · 62개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: The future Green Capital of 2014 wants to have 50% of inhabitants cycling to work by 2015. To achieve this, the city is connecting Fisketorvet and Bryggebroen with a bike-only bridge: Cykelslangen. 자세히 보기

Station Commerce ➋➌ is one of EU Badge list.

48. Station Commerce ➋➌

Allée Cassard (Cours des 50 Otages), Nantes, 페이드라루아르
트램역 · Graslin - Commerce · 6개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Nantes was the first French city to successfully re-introduce electric tramways. This, along with planned investments in buses and bicycle infrastructure, earned it the title EU Green Capital of 2013. 자세히 보기

Bahnhof Hamburg-Altona is one of EU Badge list.

49. Bahnhof Hamburg-Altona

Scheel-Plessen-Str. 17 (Paul-Nevermann-Platz), 함부르크
기차역 · Altona-Nord · 40개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: This was the launch site for the 18 city Train of Ideas European tour, a rolling exhibition about sustainable living, as Hamburg kicked off 2011 as the second European Green Capital. 자세히 보기

Basilica di San Pietro is one of EU Badge list.

50. Basilica di San Pietro

Piazza San Pietro, Vatican
교회 · Città del Vaticano · 637개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: President Martin Schulz attended the inaugural mass of Pope Francis, extending an open invitation to the new head of the Catholic Church to come to Strasbourg and address the European Parliament. 자세히 보기

Conference Room PHS 4B01 is one of EU Badge list.

51. Conference Room PHS 4B01

Rue Wiertzstraat 60, 브뤼셀, Brussel-Hoofdstad
면회실 · Brussel · 1개의 팁

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: The spotlight was on Tibet today, as the 11th reincarnation of Kirti Rinpoche visited Parliament's Human Rights subcommittee: "Tibet was an independent nation till 1959 and that cannot be distorted." 자세히 보기

52. Schelde

안트베르펜, Provincie Antwerpen
· 11개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: The site of the now infamous fireworks display for the Capital of Culture opening in Antwerp 1993 - infamous, that is, in that very few go to see it, as it was aimed too low. 자세히 보기

53. Estonia teatri väljak

Estonia pst. 1, 탈린, 하류 주
광장 · Südalinn · 5개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Tallinn's joint year as EU capital of Culture opened with a double celebration: as 2011 took off with big concerts and fireworks, Estonia also introduced the European joint currency, the Euro. 자세히 보기

54. Zeche Zollverein

Gelsenkirchener Str. 181, 에센, 노르트라인베스트팔렌 주
역사 박물관 · Zeche Zollverein · 50개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: This location was chosen as the spectacular and symbolic setting for not just Essen's 2010 opening, but for the 25th anniversary of the honorary title of European Capital of Culture. 자세히 보기

55. 탁심 광장

(Taksim Meydanı)
Taksim, Beyoğlu, İstanbul
광장 · 3176개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Just one of several locations throughout the city used for the grand opening of the third joint 2010 Capital of Culture, both a balloon theatre and fireworks were broadcast live on the web from here. 자세히 보기

56. Nibelungenbrücke

Nibelungenbrücke, 린츠, Oberösterreich
다리 · Landstraße · 5개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Only 10 minutes into 2009, 500 singers announced Linz's year as Capital of Culture with specially commissioned Rocket Symphony. Total event attendance for the year that followed reached 3.5 million. 자세히 보기

57. EXIT07

음악 베뉴 · Hollerich · 5개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: The natural hub of Luxembourg and the greater region's aim to specifically target young people during their stint as Capital of Culture in 2007, to compensate for poor past efforts.

58. Porto Antico

Porto Antico, 제노바, 리구리아 주
항구 · 59개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: This scenic and historic site also hosted many events and exhibitions in 2004, when Genoa was European Capital of Culture. 자세히 보기

59. Centro de las Artes Escénicas y de la Música (CAEM)

C. Príncipe de Vergara, 73-85, Salamanca, 카스티야이레온 지방
미술관 · 2개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: This is famously one of the main stages for the ambitious theatre projects undertaken by Salamanca as Capital of Culture in 2002. 자세히 보기

60. Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen

Museumpark 18-20, 로테르담, 자위트홀란트 주
미술관 · Stadscentrum · 75개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: During Rotterdam's Capital of Culture 2001, this museum housed special exhibitions on both Bosch and Brueghel. 자세히 보기

61. Palais des Papes

Place du Palais, 아비뇽, 프로방스알프코트다쥐르
궁전 · 76개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: The natural focal point of the Avignon Capital of Culture festivities in 2001, as the stage for the Avignon theatre festival - and of Avignon reaffirming itself as the World Theatre Capital. 자세히 보기

62. Due Torri

Piazza di Porta Ravegnana, 볼로냐, 에밀리아로마냐 주
기념비 · Galvani · 166개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: The Bologna Towers was also the name of British director Peter Greenaway show in image and sound, celebrating the history of the city during it's year as Capital of Culture in 2000. 자세히 보기

63. Rynek Główny

Rynek Główny, 크라쿠프, Województwo małopolskie
광장 · Stare Miasto · 248개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: The queues for autographs circled halfway across the square during the infamous Poet's Meeting events, a central part of the city's programme as EU Capital of Culture in 2000.

64. Rudolfinum

Alšovo nábř. 79/12, 프라하, Hlavní město Praha
구조물 · Staré Město · 38개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: The home of the Czech Philharmonics, one of many landmarks that makes Prague a Capital of Culture not just in 2000, the year it shared this status with 8 other European cities. 자세히 보기

65. Cidade da Cultura

Monte Gaiás, Santiago de Compostela, 갈리시아 지방
박물관 · 42개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Taking over ten years to complete, already the name of this monument makes it clear that the city's status as European Capital of Culture in 2000 was not a one-year thing. 자세히 보기

66. Arken Museum of Modern Art

Skovvej 100, Ishøj, Region Hovedstaden
미술관 · 18개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: When Copenhagen was Capital of Culture in 1996, 30 European artists worked together to create a sand sculpture on the beach below Arken. The finished result was over 10 meters tall. 자세히 보기

67. Parque Juan Carlos I

Gta. S.A.R. Don Juan de Borbon y Battemberg, 5, 마드리드, 마드리드 지방
공원 · Barajas · 120개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Together with the restoration of the Teatro Real de Madrid, this was one of the many cultural infrastructure measures undertaken when Madrid held the status of Capital of Culture in 1992. 자세히 보기

68. Hamburger Bahnhof – Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart

Invalidenstr. 50-51, 베를린, 베를린
미술관 · Westhafen · 121개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Newly renovated at the time, this railway station was the site of the State of Art Today exhibition gathering 32 artists from all over the world for the Berlin Capital of Culture celebration in 1988. 자세히 보기

69. Parlamento Europeo - Ufficio d'Informazione per l'Italia

Via IV Novembre 149, 로마, 라치오 주
공공기관 건물 · Trevi · 1개의 팁

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Sensibilizzazione, gestione delle richieste dei cittadini e organizzazione di eventi: gli uffici d'informazione del Parlamento giocano un ruolo fondamentale per avvicinare l'UE ai cittadini. 자세히 보기

70. Europa House

ul. Widok 10, 브로츠와프, Województwo dolnośląskie
공공기관 건물 · 4개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Czy wiesz czym zajmuje się Parlament Europejski? Nasze Biuro Informacyjne chętnie udzieli Ci informacji! 자세히 보기

71. Parlamento Europeo Ufficio d'Informazione in Milano

Corso Magenta 59, 밀라노, 롬바르디아 주
공공기관 건물 · Magenta - San Vittore · 2개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Sensibilizzazione, gestione delle richieste dei cittadini e organizzazione di eventi: gli uffici d'informazione del Parlamento giocano un ruolo fondamentale per avvicinare l'UE ai cittadini. 자세히 보기

72. Európai Parlament Tájékoztatási Irodája Magyarországon

Lövőház u. 35., 부다페스트, 부다페스트
공공기관 건물 · Budapest II. kerülete · 2개의 팁과 리뷰

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Kérdések, viták, események. A Parlament tájékoztatási irodái fontos szerepet játszanak abban, hogy jobban megismerje az EU-t. 자세히 보기

73. Oficina del Parlament Europeu a Barcelona

Passeig de Gràcia 90 (Carrer Provença), 바르셀로나, 카탈루냐 지방
공공기관 건물 · La Dreta de l'Eixample · 1개의 팁

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Organizando eventos, respondiendo a las preguntas de los ciudadanos y dando a conocer la Unión Europea, las oficinas de información del Parlamento trabajan para que Europa esté más cerca de ti. 자세히 보기

European Commission - Berlaymont is one of EU Badge list.

74. European Commission - Berlaymont

Wetstraat 200 Rue de la Loi, 브뤼셀, Brussel-Hoofdstad
공공기관 건물 · Brussel · 19개의 팁과 리뷰
European Economic & Social Committee is one of EU Badge list.

75. European Economic & Social Committee

Rue Belliardstraat 99, 브뤼셀, Brussel-Hoofdstad
공공기관 건물 · Brussel · 2개의 팁과 리뷰