Audrey Hopkins

Audrey Hopkins


Tampa, Florida
  • 4개의 팁
  • 6명의 팔로워
  • 51명의 팔로잉
  • 2 리스트
Audrey 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Lake Orion
  • 모든 도시
Audrey의 상위권 도시
Lake Orion
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Audrey Hopkins
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Audrey Hopkins
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    "Idk if she was later detained by a police officer or park official; PLEASE if you see this individual, report her to park officials or the parking ticket officer."
    Audrey HopkinsAudrey Hopkins · 12월 14, 2014
    반려견 동반 공원
    · Lake Orion, 미국
    "The pit bull's owner is a Caucasian female with dark brown/black hair; she is extremely thin. After the small dog was released from the pit bull, the owner left the scene with the pit bull."
    Audrey HopkinsAudrey Hopkins · 12월 14, 2014
    반려견 동반 공원
    · Lake Orion, 미국
    "While I don't know the events leading up to the attack, the pit bull had the smaller dog's leg in its mouth, blood and tissue was present. It took four individuals to pull the pit bull off."
    Audrey HopkinsAudrey Hopkins · 12월 14, 2014
    반려견 동반 공원
    · Lake Orion, 미국
    "PLEASE read this, as it is why I am giving the park such a poor rating. Today, 12/14/2014, there was a vicious dog attack at the park. A while pit bull attacked a smaller dog."
    Audrey HopkinsAudrey Hopkins · 12월 14, 2014
    반려견 동반 공원
    · Lake Orion, 미국