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Backfin Blue Cafe

Backfin Blue Cafe

뉴 아메리카 음식점해산물 전문점$$$$
  • Tips
    Bill H.
    "Corn (옥수수) & Crab Chowder is the best."(Tips 2개)
    Kacy M.
    "They have awesome crab chowder (국물)!"(Tips 3개)
팁 및 리뷰 아이콘10 팁 및 리뷰
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사용자 아이콘
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  • 인기있는
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  • David D.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    David Denise12월 3, 2017
    The specials are always terrific and a great value. Our favorite restaurant in the Tampa Bay area.
  • Lori R.
    Lori Rosso3월 12, 2014
    Crab is KEY here. ANYTHING with Crab is a hit, that is what I always tell my guests to order and be absolutely astounded by
  • Backfin Blue Cafe
    Backfin Blue Cafe10월 10, 2012
    Prime Rib night Mondays, $11.95 slow roasted choice prime and 2 sides. Dine in and not good with other offers or splitting Etc.
  • Jolie W.
    Jolie Wallace11월 22, 2012
    The Crab and Corn chowder is fantastic!! Also try the Crab Martini App!
  • D. Scott
    D. Scott2월 22, 2013
    10회 이상 방문함
    Best seafood in Gulfport. Sit outside on the patio
  • Emily S.
    Emily Seawell2월 2, 2010
    Order the crab cakes, either as an appetizer or a meal -- you can't leave without trying one. 자세히 보기
  • Lincoln F.
    Lincoln Farnum7월 6, 2013
    The ceiling fan throws a bright harsh light.
  • Bill H.
    Bill H9월 18, 2011
    Corn & Crab Chowder is the best.
  • James G.
    James Ginan8월 6, 2011
    The crab chowder is Fantastic.
  • Kacy M.
    Kacy Martel7월 8, 2010
    They have awesome crab chowder!
사진22 사진