Blok Space

Blok Space

장난감 판매점
팁 및 리뷰 아이콘2 팁 및 리뷰
사용자 아이콘
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  • 인기있는
  • 최근
  • Blok Space
    Blok Space4월 1, 2013
    Mini figs are available at RM11.90. Blok Space mugs at RM15.90 and Tee Shirts at RM39.90. If you don't a size for you, do tell us and we will get it for you. Cheers!
  • Sam S.
    Sam Shafie2월 28, 2013
    5회 이상 방문함
    A place for kids to harness creativity using their own imagination and harness power of problem solving using Lego building games
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