Charles Reinhart

Charles Reinhart


We are the leading full-service real estate firm in the Ann Arbor region.

Ann Arbor
  • 11개의 팁
  • 74명의 팔로워
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  • 5 리스트

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Charles의 상위권 도시
Ann Arbor
1 리스트가 생성됨 · 10 Tips
1 Tip
Charles Reinhart
8 장소 업데이트됨 8월 1, 2013
When the sun shines on Tree Town, it is time to come out and play! Here are some ways to enjoy the warm weather!
Charles Reinhart
0 장소 업데이트됨
0개의 장소
Charles Reinhart
3 장소 업데이트됨
3곳의 장소 The #DigitalBus, Relax Station, Charles Reinhart Company North/Admin 포함
Charles의 목록Charles 님이 만든 리스트Charles 님이 팔로우한 리스트
Charles 님의 최근 팁
"This is one of the best private golf courses in Ann Arbor. In addition to golf the club has a fitness center, aquatics, tennis, and junior activities."
Charles ReinhartCharles Reinhart · 8월 1, 2013
· 앤아버, 미국
"Argo Canoe Livery has canoes and kayaks available for rent. Paddle down the river and enjoy the adventures."
Charles ReinhartCharles Reinhart · 8월 1, 2013
기타 야외활동
· 앤아버, 미국
"Fuller pool is a great place to take the kids in the summer. With a water slide, snow-cones, lap lanes and a deep end this pool is fun for the whole family!"
Charles ReinhartCharles Reinhart · 7월 31, 2013
· 앤아버, 미국
"Matthaei Botanical Gardens has something for everyone with beautiful scenery and a children's area."
Charles ReinhartCharles Reinhart · 7월 31, 2013
· 앤아버, 미국
"Hidden within the city of Ann Arbor, is the Leslie Science & Nature Center. There are birds of prey, live animal exhibits, and educational programs for kids, adults, & families."
Charles ReinhartCharles Reinhart · 7월 31, 2013
기타 야외활동
· 앤아버, 미국
"At Gallup there are plenty of ways to enjoy the Huron River. You can rent canoes, kayaks, or paddleboats or bring your own."
Charles ReinhartCharles Reinhart · 7월 31, 2013
· 앤아버, 미국