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ChuckAlek Independent Brewers

ChuckAlek Independent Brewers

(현재 폐점)
맥주 양조장$$$$
팁 및 리뷰 아이콘2 팁 및 리뷰
사용자 아이콘
로그인하여 여기에 팁을 남겨보세요.

  • 인기있는
  • 최근
  • Tricia H.
    Tricia Howerzyl10월 11, 2014
    Exploring the world of vintage beer recipes and styles. This place is a must stop for anyone interested in the wonderful world of beer.
  • Sean
    Sean11월 25, 2013
    Great beers... Try the darker ones, they have a kick but are very drinkable.
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