Chris Cookson: Keep an eye on this place during COVID. Their tasting events are fun, reasonably priced, not too crowded and kind of cool to explore a theme park when the rides aren't running. A unique vibe.
Chris Cookson: This place is a must, even during COVID when their arcade is closed. Four different mini-golf courses, go karts and pizza. It's the ultimate birthday party or date for kids or the young-at-heart.
Chris Cookson: Can't beat that view of Los Angeles, worth going here for that alone. Their selection of plants is really good too and gotta say hi to some of the cats around and about.
Chris Cookson: Quintessential LA. You absolutely cannot beat that view, it feels so otherworldly up here. Both secluded and full of energy. You'd always see locals and tourists alike pondering life at this spot.
Chris Cookson: My absolute favorite place in Malibu. In addition to being a filming location for the most iconic scene in the Planet of the Apes, has gorgeous cliffs to explore and a great beach.
10798 Ramona Ave. (at Mission Blvd), Montclair, CA
자동차 극장 · 49개의 팁과 리뷰
Chris Cookson: My favorite drive-in over in Southern California. While it's a little bit of a hike to get there, it's got a great vibe, bright projectors and nice prices. A perfect escape during COVID.
Chris Cookson: a bit pricier than you’d expect and the burger patty is kind of dry but otherwise a really fun place! Their Animal Style fun fries are better than IN-N-OUT! Should scratch the fast food itch well.