David Busby

David Busby

Adelaide, SA
  • 16개의 팁
  • 124명의 팔로워
  • 125명의 팔로잉
  • 2 리스트
David 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Adelaide
  • 모든 도시
David의 상위권 도시
8 Tips
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David Busby
0 장소 업데이트됨
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David Busby
16 장소 업데이트됨
16곳의 장소 Bracegirdles at 190, Hotel Richmond, Sosta Argentinian Kitchen, Argo on the Square 포함
    David 님의 최근 팁
    "A chicken shop, stone's throw from the beach, that closes while it's still daylight? The food is standard fare, but you can always try the Deep Blue Cafe just down the road..."
    David BusbyDavid Busby · 1월 13, 2014
    프라이드 치킨
    · Seaford, 호주
    "Don't forget to check out the upstairs area. The bar downstairs is nice, but can get crowded. Especially during weekday evenings, the upstairs area is the perfect place to unwind with a drink."
    David BusbyDavid Busby · 8월 8, 2013
    스페인 음식
    · 애들레이드, 호주
    "There is a reason why this place is an institution. Impeccable customer service, and chocolate that appeals to discerning taste buds. I've never walked out unimpressed. (Give the dark truffles a try!)"
    David BusbyDavid Busby · 2월 13, 2013
    초콜릿 가게
    · 애들레이드, 호주
    "If at first your ticket doesn't work, you should definitely hold the entire line up, and keep trying over and over again. It'll work one of these days, I know it!"
    David BusbyDavid Busby · 11월 7, 2011
    · 애들레이드, 호주
    "Call me simple, but the French Fries here are outstanding. (actually, don't call me simple...I'm the sensitive type!)"
    David BusbyDavid Busby · 9월 21, 2011
    · North Adelaide, 호주
    "It is a simple menu here, but "simple" does not always mean "bad." I tried the deluxe breakfast, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Suggest you do the same!"
    David BusbyDavid Busby · 9월 21, 2011
    호주 음식
    · McLaren Vale, 호주