David Miller

David Miller

I am crazy about traveling to the places full of nature and greenery. I love to eat different kinds of food is another thing that I am always crazy about.

Atlanta, Georgia
  • 9개의 팁
  • 1명의 팔로워
  • 0명의 팔로잉
  • 2 리스트
David 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Atlanta
  • New York
  • 모든 도시
David의 상위권 도시
8 Tips
New York
1 Tip
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David Miller
3 장소 업데이트됨
3곳의 장소 Cafe Sunflower Buckhead, Grindhouse Killer Burgers, LottaFrutta 포함
David Miller
1 장소 업데이트됨
1곳의 장소 American Museum of Natural History 포함
    David 님의 최근 팁
    "Grindhouse Killer Burgers is best burger shop in town.All burgers are great but Apache burger is superb with Mexico green chilies,pepperjack and grilled onions around it.The price is very resonable!!!"
    David MillerDavid Miller · 8월 30, 2016
    · 애틀랜타, 미국
    "The menu is great and the food is excellent at the LottaFrutta. The smoothies are perfect and the sandwiches are delicious! Veggie sandwich is my favorite and i just love the Cremolatta!!!"
    David MillerDavid Miller · 8월 30, 2016
    · 애틀랜타, 미국
    "A heaven for vegans. Best Food, and a very well trained staff. Bring your date here for the very first time. Best ever Deserts and gluten free cheesecake. You will always come back for more."
    David MillerDavid Miller · 7월 24, 2016
    비건 및 채식 전문점
    · 애틀랜타, 미국
    "Who doesn't love to invest energy in this superb facility? One tip for summer film celebration goers: No compelling reason to purchase tickets ahead of time. You will pay $4 overhead for open seating,"
    David MillerDavid Miller · 12월 11, 2015
    · 애틀랜타, 미국
    "Great Coffee, friendly staff and a very nice open air seating arrangement - perfect set up for a good time with friends. I definitely recommend this to everyone. surely I will come back again.love it"
    David MillerDavid Miller · 11월 14, 2015
    · 애틀랜타, 미국
    "The Mandarin Oriental made our trip fabulous. We have stayed in some top rate Hotels, but this by far exceeded our expectations. Everyone in the Hotel went out of their way to be helpful. very nice."
    David MillerDavid Miller · 11월 12, 2015
    · 애틀랜타, 미국