Der Teufelhof Basel

Der Teufelhof Basel

호텔코미디 클럽
Altstadt Grossbasel, 바젤
  • 별
    바젤에서 인기있는 상위5 호텔 중 하나
  • Tips
    David R.
    "The best hotel in town, with great restaurants (음식점) and bar."(Tips 3개)
팁 및 리뷰 아이콘17 팁 및 리뷰
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사용자 아이콘
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  • David R.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    David Roessli9월 16, 2020
    10회 이상 방문함
    The best hotel in town, with great restaurants and bar. Warm and friendly welcome, spacious and well decorated rooms. Check out their new building across the street : SET - modern and minimalistic.
  • Sven R.
    Sven Reiniger8월 7, 2016
    Ein schönes, altehrwürdig verwinkeltes Gebäude mit viel Charme. Wunderbare Küche. Sehr symphatisches Wirteehepaar. Abwechslungsreiche Location mit Weinhandel, Theater, Hotel und Bar mit Restaurant.
  • M M.
    M Mack7월 12, 2013
    The fresh pea ravioli with lime butter is divine. Skip the cold soup - it's so thin that it needs a straw. Waitstaff very serious. Don't miss the artifacts and history in the cellar - ck them out.
  • Claudio G.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Claudio Gisler6월 14, 2016
    Super Essen. Sehr zu empfehlen ist das Restaurant Bel Etage. Gut geeignet für Tagungen. Der Keller, zwischen Stadtmauern aus zwei Epochen ist ein Traum und für festliche Anlässe.
  • Emmanuel N.
    Emmanuel Nataf8월 1, 2013
    Very decent internet connexion. Great breakfast and nice restaurant (the homemade raviolis are delicious!).
  • Hanno M.
    Hanno M.1월 11, 2015
    Sehr freundliches Personal und stylishe Zimmer. Leckeres, regionales Frühstück, was keine Wünsche offen lässt. Und WLAN läuft perfekt.
  • Fran S.
    Fran Su3월 24, 2016
    Check out the art display and ancient city walls in the archaeological cellar.
  • Florent-Sinan B.
    Very nice place, service is top quality. You'll need a comfortable budget for it but it will be worth it.
  • Jeff B.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Jeff Brittain1월 30, 2016
    Everything here is wonderful. Great spot.
  • kdfa
    kdfa7월 23, 2010
    every rooms are differents made by modern artists, there is also a small theater in this beatiful hotel!
  • Christian B.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Christian Buchner3월 28, 2016
    Ein Gang durch den Weinkeller lohnt sich.
  • Cyprus Wines
    Cyprus Wines6월 8, 2012
    Xynisteri, Maratheftiko and Commandaria....the whole Cyprus Wine Family will be at the #winehour on June 20th 자세히 보기
  • Muhanad🇸🇦 84
    Muhanad🇸🇦 841월 21, 2014
    the best suffle i ever ate ❤️
  • BaselBuzz ..
    BaselBuzz .9월 26, 2014
    BaselBuzz TOP Basel Regio restaurant.
  • Jörg M.
    Jörg Meidl8월 30, 2011
    Das Kalbskotelett ist ein absoluter Genuss!!!
  • Safak K.
    Safak Korkut4월 20, 2013
    Senior clientele, too young waiters. It looks like none of them is happy on what they are doing.
  • Yves
    Yves3월 28, 2011
    Üppigste wunderbare Abendessen und Weinfreuden bestens in Erinnerung
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