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Visiting Dallas

1. Velvet Taco

3012 N Henderson Ave (at N Central Expy), 댈러스, TX
타코 음식점 · 274개의 팁과 리뷰
Dallas Museum of Art is one of Visiting Dallas.

2. Dallas Museum of Art

1717 N Harwood St (at Flora St), 댈러스, TX
미술관 · Arts District · 145개의 팁과 리뷰
The Sixth Floor Museum is one of Visiting Dallas.

3. The Sixth Floor Museum

411 Elm St (at N Houston St), 댈러스, TX
역사 박물관 · 150개의 팁과 리뷰

ScoutmobScoutmob: The site of JFK's murder is marked by an X outside the 6th Floor Museum. While a little touristy, it's a top spot to get your conspiracy theory on.

White Rock Coffee is one of Visiting Dallas.

4. White Rock Coffee

10105 E Northwest Hwy (btwn Thurgood Ln. & Ferndale Rd.), 댈러스, TX
커피숍 · 66개의 팁과 리뷰

Daniel X.Daniel Xelanader: The Adam Bomb frap rocks!