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Emily Kolodner

Emily Kolodner


Brooklyn, NY
  • 44개의 팁
  • 97명의 팔로워
  • 82명의 팔로잉
  • 4 리스트
Emily 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • New York
  • Brooklyn
  • 모든 도시
Emily의 상위권 도시
New York
18 Tips
26 Tips
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Emily Kolodner
507 장소 업데이트됨
507곳의 장소 Hart's, Have & Meyer Chatteria, 4 Charles Prime Rib, Little Red Wasp 포함
Emily Kolodner
15 장소 업데이트됨
15곳의 장소 Cafecito to Go, Minigrow, TaKorean, Old Man's 포함
    Emily 님의 최근 팁
    "This place is great! The pastries look amazing and the coffee took me right back to Miami. Will definitely be back, just wish they were open on the weekends too."
    Emily KolodnerEmily Kolodner · 5월 14, 2019
    · 브루클린, 미국
    "beer selection is good-ish (good for the area), but their prices are seriously inflated ($11 for 8oz) and they don't let you try before you buy. food was good, bartenders weren't the friendliest."
    Emily KolodnerEmily Kolodner · 5월 25, 2018
    · 뉴욕, 미국
    "I absolutely love everything about this place, except for the staff. But as long as you're okay with being belittled or snarked at while you order, it's a great place."
    Emily KolodnerEmily Kolodner · 5월 19, 2017
    · 브루클린, 미국
    "Don't know what everyone is talking about. Wifi here is so slow and no headphones was a mistake. Loud, screaming rock does not make for pleasant coffee shop work environment. But coffee is great."
    Emily KolodnerEmily Kolodner · 4월 10, 2017
    · 브루클린, 미국
    "awesome, homey vibe with great food. service was a little slow, but not bad. the mussels did not disappoint, cocktails were unique but not home runs. i'd come back and order a bottle of wine instead."
    Emily KolodnerEmily Kolodner · 4월 28, 2015
    프랑스 음식
    · 브루클린, 미국
    "there was no old fashioned on the menu, but the one i ordered was perfect"
    Emily KolodnerEmily Kolodner · 4월 28, 2015
    · 브루클린, 미국