Man v Food
Taqueria La Cumbre is one of Man v Food.

1. Taqueria La Cumbre

28 N B St (at Baldwin Ave.), 샌머테이오, CA
멕시코 음식점 · Downtown San Mateo · 31개의 팁과 리뷰

Travel ChannelTravel Channel: Legend says La Cumbre invented the mission-style burrito – the 2-pound, fully customizable chow-down staple copied in restaurants and fast-food joints around the world. – Adam Richman, Man v. Food

Ike’s Place is one of Man v Food.

2. Ike’s Place

3489 16th St (at Sanchez St), 샌프란시스코, CA
샌드위치 가게 · Mission Dolores · 251개의 팁과 리뷰

Travel ChannelTravel Channel: Home of some of the biggest sandwiches in San Francisco. As seen on Man v Food.

Incanto is one of Man v Food.

3. Incanto

1550 Church St (at Duncan St), 샌프란시스코, CA
뉴 아메리카 음식점 · Noe Valley · 63개의 팁과 리뷰

Travel ChannelTravel Channel: Chef Chris Cosentino is a genius, and one of America's foremost authorities on snout-to-tail dining. Head, brains, blood, guts--it's all edible bliss to Chris. --Andrew Zimmern, Bizarre Foods 자세히 보기

The Crab Pot is one of Man v Food.

4. The Crab Pot

1301 Alaskan Way (at Pier 57), 시애틀, WA
해산물 전문점 · Seattle Central Business District · 189개의 팁과 리뷰

Travel ChannelTravel Channel: "Crab Pot had root beer on tap in frosted mugs. I'm a root beer junkie so it was heaven!" --Adam Richman, Man v Food Nation

Haight-Ashbury is one of Man v Food.

5. Haight-Ashbury

샌프란시스코, CA
주변 지역 · 77개의 팁과 리뷰

Travel ChannelTravel Channel: Haight Ashbury is the birthplace of the hippie movement, and it's continued to be a hipster's haunt for decades since. – Adam Richman, Man v. Food 자세히 보기

Ike's Place @ Lime is one of Man v Food.

6. Ike's Place @ Lime

2247 Market St (at 15th St), 샌프란시스코, CA
샌드위치 가게 · Castro · 20개의 팁과 리뷰

Travel ChannelTravel Channel: With nearly 200 drool-inducing combos, Ike's Place in San Francisco's Castro district has become the home to what many are calling the Golden Gate City's best sandwich. – Adam Richman, Man v. Food 자세히 보기

San Francisco Creamery Co. is one of Man v Food.

7. San Francisco Creamery Co.

1370 Locust St, 월넛크릭, CA
아이스크림 가게 · Downtown Walnut Creek · 60개의 팁과 리뷰

Travel ChannelTravel Channel: San Francisco Creamery’s “Kitchen Sink” is a monster sundae with 8 scoops of ice cream, 8 servings of whipped cream, and 8 different toppings. – Adam Richman, Man v. Food

Taqueria La Cumbre is one of Man v Food.

8. Taqueria La Cumbre

515 Valencia St (at 16th St), 샌프란시스코, CA
타코 음식점 · Mission District · 60개의 팁과 리뷰

Travel ChannelTravel Channel: Legend says La Cumbre invented the mission-style burrito – the 2-pound, fully customizable chow-down staple copied in restaurants and fast-food joints around the world. – Adam Richman, Man v. Food

Facebook is one of Man v Food.

9. Facebook

1601 S California Ave, 팰로앨토, CA
벤처 기업 · 45개의 팁과 리뷰

C-SPANC-SPAN: Check out C-SPAN's Facebook Page: 자세히 보기