Eric • 6월 19, 2019Pizzas are on the expensive end as per Japan but size and portion are great! It's quite authentic and really lovely. Much better than Savoy imo
Florian W. • 6월 10, 2018Lovely place with really good tempura. It’s small so be prepared to stand in line and try their eggtempura, vegetables and fish. Can’t go wrong here.
ジャック • 3월 19, 2021特製鰹醤油大盛1150。特製は炙りのバラ、低温処理の肩ロース?、鶏モモの各チャーシューに味玉入。小松菜、白髪葱、焦がしネギ?ニンニク?、穂先メンマ。鰹出汁の香が良い。醤油タレは芳醇で中々コクのあるスープ。麺は極細の多可水でツルツル喉越しながらコシも感じる揖保乃糸の冷麦のよう。とても美味しかった!
Johan N. • 5월 28, 2016We ate tempura soba and duck sauce soba. It was delicious! The soba was perfectly cook, with perfect tenderness (I like it hard, so it was perfect!). The place is very beautiful!
morimi32 • 10월 6, 2015メニューは豚9鶏1の動物系スープに昆布などの旨味を合わせた塩ラーメンのみ。丁寧で澄んだスープに函館から空輸した麺がベストマッチ。いかめしも美味しくてオススメです。
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