결과 다시 로드 중...

Downtown Boulder, 볼더 근처에 있는 호텔 바에 대한 추천

    • 6.5
      호텔 바$$$$메뉴 보기
      2115 13th St (Spruce St.), 볼더
      • Teghan T.

        Teghan T. • 10월 21, 2010Best chicken wings in town. Chicken quesadilla and nachos pair nicely. Edamame and salmon sandwich for dinner.

    • 5.8
      호텔 바$$$$메뉴 보기
      900 Walnut St (at 9th St), 볼더
      • El C.

        El C. • 7월 2, 2015Hotel bars are always a good bet for a quiet drink, nobody thinks to go there. Also forces them to rely on quality drinks.

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