결과 다시 로드 중...

Downtown Boulder, 볼더 근처에 있는 호텔 바에 대한 추천

    • 6.5
      호텔 바$$$$메뉴 보기
      2115 13th St (Spruce St.), 볼더
      • Angela B.

        Angela B. • 10월 13, 2011Stopped in while staying at the hotel. I had a great appetizer, a steak on a skewer with watermelon dresssed with a balsamic reduction sauce. Yummy

    • 5.8
      호텔 바$$$$메뉴 보기
      900 Walnut St (at 9th St), 볼더
      • Ashley E.

        Ashley E. • 6월 18, 2012order the Colorado Gentlemen. SO GOOD!! and sit on the patio on a Friday night for live music and primo people watching!!

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