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San Marco, 베네치아 근처에 있는 호텔 바에 대한 추천

    • 8.1
      호텔 바€€€
      Hotel Gritti Palace (Campo Santa Maria del Giglio, 2467), 베네치아
      • Ben K.

        Ben K. • 9월 20, 2015Must see bar in the beautiful Gritti Palace that was once frequented by Hemingway, Bogart and the Queen.

    • 7.9
      호텔 바€€€
      San Marco, 2159, 베네치아
      • Zeynep E.

        Zeynep E. • 10월 23, 2022The chestnut portobello mushroom starter was exquisite. Also the lobster pasta, the duck ragu pasta and the main beef tenderloin were delectable. 10 out of 10.

    • 7.7
      호텔 바€€€메뉴 보기
      San Marco 1459 (Hotel Bauer), 베네치아
      • THE BAUERs V.

        THE BAUERs V. • 10월 28, 2015Ruggero Robin is recognised as one of the best italian guitar players. He perfoms with two music pros: drummer Marco Carlesso and bass player Nicola Sorato who use to play for Cassandra Wilson.

    • ?
      호텔 바€€€
      San Marco 1604, 베네치아
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