"Murah banget: 8pcs cuma 22rb!!"
일본 음식
· Kotamadya Jakarta Utara, 인도네시아
"Security on top! Noone can enter the main door unless you are the tenant or one with the keys. Careful of the ladder!"
"The rate is quiet cheap for the new building & its position in the heart of Bandung city. I recommend you to come and stay here if visit Bandung. Just walk away & you'll find your shopping experience."
"Every fried food in this place just makes me sick. Really makes me sick (literally)."
"I say that every food in this spot will only give you a shit because you will not get the food result & the price as a balance combination. Thumbs down!"
"Oh, IT'S HEAVEN! Yeah, IT'S HEAVEN! Swimming Pool? Checked! Pool Table? Checked! Karaoke? Checked! Cozy Place? Double Checked!"
호텔 바
· Padalarang 2, 인도네시아