"They sell cold beer next to taxi stands! Helps to fight off tout-induced irritation 😎"
"The ambience is nice and service is perfect. The food sadly is disappointing to say the least. Below a Tesco foodcourt level. The colonial vibe is what you pay for and what they deliver well."
"They have no toilet. Well they do but it's for employees only."
"It can happen that the place is closed before 20:00. Lights are on, door closed. Kinda disappointing.."
"Vegetable pho - not so good. Pancakes are served cold, probably old ones. Coffee is ok."
"Väga tahtsin kirjutada positiivse hinnangu, sest teenindus ja suupisted olid super, aga siis tuli mu part... oioioi... parti kokk küll teha ei oska, oli rohkem nagu basturma :("