High Falls Gorge

High Falls Gorge

여행자 정보 및 서비스, 하이킹 코스음식점
  • Tips
    Nicholas W.
    "High Falls Gorge has beautiful waterfalls (폭포)!"(Tips 2개)
    Dana B.
    "nice walkways built all along the river (강) and waterfalls"(Tips 3개)
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  • Nicholas W.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Nicholas Wood6월 27, 2017
    High Falls Gorge has beautiful waterfalls! The gift shop has very good food. Overall it is a little bit pricey but well maintained. I believe it is handicapped accessible. Total time here..30 minutes.
  • Mel
    Mel3월 23, 2014
    If visiting in the winter, they'll build a fire for you to roast marshmallows after viewing the frozen falls. You also get a free hot beverage in the charming lounge area. There's even free wifi!
  • Dana B.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Dana Bloodworth8월 13, 2016
    They have nice walkways built all along the river and waterfalls so you can walk along and get great views. Cafe is small and the drinks weren't very impressive, but the food was great!
  • Mandi M.
    Mandi Miskell8월 2, 2016
    Good hike. Bring sneakers if you plan on taking the nature or "hard" path. There is some handicap accessibility areas and trails, and the mining for kids is a good deal.
  • High Peaks R.
    High Peaks Resort5월 13, 2014
    In the shadow of Whiteface Mountain, you can take a nature walk to view the Ausable River as it spill over ancient granite cliffs
  • Fred A.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Fred Alluso12월 31, 2017
    Great views of the river and chasm. Great gift shop and many photo opportunities.
  • Chris G.
    Chris Giardini9월 10, 2011
    September 2011xonr beget it is spectacular but half of the cat walks were damaged because of the recent rains but still nice just short.
  • Kori P.
    Kori Phillips5월 25, 2013
    Come in the spring, it's amazing!
  • Hollie S.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Hollie Sick11월 13, 2016
    Always check if they are open. Sometimes they won't be and not post anything
  • Ting사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Ting7월 28, 2017
    Nice views but not a very long trail given the $12 entry fee.
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