Divyam Sharma

Divyam Sharma


#Explorer #singlemaltisbest #cigars

Tbilisi, K'alak'i T'bilisi
  • 17개의 팁
  • 14명의 팔로워
  • 17명의 팔로잉
  • 2 리스트
Divyam 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Tbilisi
  • 모든 도시
Divyam의 상위권 도시
16 Tips
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Divyam Sharma
0 장소 업데이트됨
0개의 장소
Divyam Sharma
40 장소 업데이트됨
40곳의 장소 Ambience Mall, Nehru Place, Tamil Nadu House Canteen, Tapri - The Tea House & Jizo 포함
    Divyam 님의 최근 팁
    "Dosa, Veda sambhar and filter coffee !! Period. I used to come here with my father at a very young age, 15 years on.. this place is still good enough for me."
    Divyam SharmaDivyam Sharma · 6월 26, 2015
    · 인도
    "Personally a big fan of their espresso, cheese soup is delicious too but the place is very noisy and smell of cigarette lingers around everywhere. On a pleasant evening prefer sitting outside."
    Divyam SharmaDivyam Sharma · 3월 28, 2015
    · 트빌리시, 그루지아
    "With avg. Waiting time of just 12mins these people work fast and efficiently, almost everybody knows English so there is no communication gap for foreigners.Unique architecture adds zeal to the place"
    Divyam SharmaDivyam Sharma · 2월 9, 2015
    "I retract my last review about this place, they have improved a lot. Ask for today's special, I got Turkey 🍗 which was realistically quite good.. 😁 and like always you can make your own sub 😎"
    Divyam SharmaDivyam Sharma · 2월 5, 2015
    샌드위치 가게
    · 트빌리시, 그루지아
    "Splendid location, wine collection is great no surprise there, friend ordered sushi & seemed impressed, polite staff, place def. Gives good vibes, with bunch of friends fantastic place for a night out"
    Divyam SharmaDivyam Sharma · 1월 16, 2015
    · 트빌리시, 그루지아
    "Very crowed all the time, there's a influx of passengers going towards digmis. To make things worst place us cramped up with mashutkas for all western destination of country."
    Divyam SharmaDivyam Sharma · 1월 16, 2015