Jamie F

Jamie F


Grad student....

New York, NY
  • 3개의 팁
  • 39명의 팔로워
  • 21명의 팔로잉
  • 2 리스트
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  • New York
  • 모든 도시
Jamie의 상위권 도시
New York
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Jamie F
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Jamie F
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    "During finals you'll be lucky if you can find a seat... especially near an outlet!"
    Jamie FJamie F · 4월 9, 2012
    · 뉴욕, 미국
    "If you like something with a little kick to it, try the lazy lover. It has just the right amount of jalapeño in it. Don't judge it by it's name - it's based on the song by the Brazilian girls."
    Jamie FJamie F · 11월 9, 2010
    무허가 술집
    · 뉴욕, 미국
    "2 for 1 drink specials until 8! Also good for spontaneous dance parties."
    Jamie FJamie F · 11월 8, 2010
    와인 바
    · 뉴욕, 미국