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Union Drive Community Center is one of School.

1. Union Drive Community Center

Iowa State Univ, 에임스, IA
학생회관 · Iowa State University · 8개의 팁과 리뷰
Iowa State Memorial Union is one of School.

2. Iowa State Memorial Union

2229 Lincoln Way (at Lynn Ave), 에임스, IA
학생회관 · Iowa State University · 17개의 팁과 리뷰

Iowa State University AdmissionsIowa State University Admissions: We're not sure why it started, but for more than 70 years students have stepped around the Zodiac in Gold Star Hall. Apparently stepping on the Zodiac ensures you will fail your next exam.

Howe Hall is one of School.

3. Howe Hall

2271 Howe Hall (Sheldon Ave), 에임스, IA
공학 대학교 건물 · Iowa State University · 3개의 팁과 리뷰

ISU C.ISU College of Engineering: That big thing in the atrium is the C6 Virtual Reality Cave. Check out the inside HERE --->>> 자세히 보기

Durham Center is one of School.

4. Durham Center

271H Durham Ctr (Osborn & Bissel), 에임스, IA
공학 대학교 건물 · Iowa State University · 5개의 팁과 리뷰

ISU C.ISU College of Engineering: Feel the floor vibrating? That's the sheer power of CyStorm in the basement, a 3200 core SuperComputer! --->>> 자세히 보기

Ross Hall is one of School.

5. Ross Hall

Farmhouse Ln (Iowa State University), 에임스, IA
역사 대학교 건물 · Iowa State University · 4개의 팁과 리뷰
Design Café is one of School.

6. Design Café

715 Bissell Rd (Iowa State University), 에임스, IA
카페 · Iowa State University · 6개의 팁과 리뷰
Jack Trice Stadium is one of School.

7. Jack Trice Stadium

1800 S 4th St (at University Blvd), 에임스, IA
대학 경기장 · Iowa State University · 35개의 팁과 리뷰