Jessica Devlin

Jessica Devlin

  • 21개의 팁
  • 12명의 팔로워
  • 13명의 팔로잉
  • 2 리스트
Jessica 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • University Park
  • New Hope
  • Philadelphia
  • State College
  • Stockton
  • 모든 도시
Jessica의 상위권 도시
University Park
2 Tips
New Hope
6 Tips
3 Tips
State College
3 Tips
1 Tip
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Jessica Devlin
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Jessica Devlin
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    Jessica 님의 최근 팁
    "The village is full of about 70 boutiques ranging from candy to fine art to stationary to special bath soaps. Some of the stores are a bit overpriced, but don't hesitate from checking them out."
    Jessica DevlinJessica Devlin · 6월 26, 2011
    · Lahaska, 미국
    "Just off of Cuttalossa road, Cuttalossa farm is a local favorite. At the farm families can feed roosters, chicken and the well known "smiling sheep". Be sure to bring your camera - it's beautiful!"
    Jessica DevlinJessica Devlin · 6월 26, 2011
    카테고리 없음
    · New Hope, 미국
    "Rice’s Flea Market is open Tues and Sat from 7am to 1pm. If you want to avoid large crowds go as early as possible. You’ll get to see all of the products and may be able to haggle."
    Jessica DevlinJessica Devlin · 6월 26, 2011
    벼룩 시장
    · New Hope, 미국
    "The market is a busy, crammed place, so try not to be too overwhelmed. Go in with an open mind and indulge in all the types of food like pizza, crepes, cheesesteaks, fresh seafood, cheese and gyro."
    Jessica DevlinJessica Devlin · 6월 26, 2011
    푸드 코트
    · 필라델피아, 미국
    "The Corner Room is a great place to eat. It is conveniently right off of campus, but escapes the feel of a dining hall. It gets busy on football and parent weekends, so check it out during the week."
    Jessica DevlinJessica Devlin · 6월 26, 2011
    · State College, 미국
    "The best gym in the area by far! With no wait time for cardio machines, a beautiful facility, friendly staff and fantastic yoga and karate programs, the Solebury Club is worth the student price of $60"
    Jessica DevlinJessica Devlin · 6월 26, 2011
    헬스장 및 스튜디오
    · Buckingham, 미국