Katie Logue

Katie Logue


Safety Harbor, FL
  • 4개의 팁
  • 14명의 팔로워
  • 10명의 팔로잉
  • 2 리스트

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Katie의 상위권 도시
1 Tip
Miami Beach
3 Tips
Katie Logue
0 장소 업데이트됨
0개의 장소
Katie Logue
0 장소 업데이트됨
0개의 장소
Katie의 목록Katie 님이 만든 리스트Katie 님이 팔로우한 리스트
"No one should go here!"
Katie LogueKatie Logue · 2월 19, 2012
\n 문신\n
· 마이애미비치, 미국
"We accidentally spilt our expensive margarita because the bar was busy and we were trying to get out of other customers way.. They still charged us for an extra drink"
Katie LogueKatie Logue · 2월 19, 2012
멕시코 음식
· 마이애미비치, 미국
"Worst hotel I've ever stayed at. The people at the front desk are assholes. We stayed here for a week and they won't give us a parking pass! Fuck this place!"
Katie LogueKatie Logue · 2월 18, 2012
· 마이애미비치, 미국
"Don't come on a Sat night.. Had to remind our server 3 times and went up to the bar twice for 1 drink! I get it's a sat but for this price I'd expect better service!"
Katie LogueKatie Logue · 2월 12, 2012
무허가 술집
· 탬파, 미국