24 장소 업데이트됨
24곳의 장소 Danscafe Dry Eycken, Herselt, M-eatery, Provinciaal Groendomein Hertberg 포함
Kristof의 목록Kristof 님이 만든 리스트Kristof 님이 팔로우한 리스트
"Great atmosphere! Sympathiek voetbalploegje, leuke kantine."
"Slowly becoming the most trendy bar of Antwerp"
"WTF Foursquare!? Herselt ligt ineens 16km verder dan waar het echt ligt? In Gestel!? Great update :-("
· Provincie Antwerpen, 벨기에
"Boris, their beautifull dog, is always watching over this place"