Kampung Sampireun Resort & Spa

Kampung Sampireun Resort & Spa


Kampung Sampieun is a resort with the touch of traditional Sundanesse village, Having luxurious pines, plants, and other plants arranged harmoniously, the resort establishes the theme “ Tropical Gardenlust” Its also preserves the bamboo garden that gives you a calm romantic chill nuence when the wind blows softly through the area.

Jl. Kamojang - Samarang, Garut 44161 - West Java. Indonesia
  • 9개의 팁
  • 165명의 팔로워
  • 0명의 팔로잉
  • 3 리스트
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Kampung Sampireun Resort & Spa
0 장소 업데이트됨 10월 5, 2011
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Kampung Sampireun Resort & Spa
0 장소 업데이트됨
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Kampung Sampireun Resort & Spa
0 장소 업데이트됨
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    "such a unique place for meeting inside a traditional bungalau."
    컨벤션 센터
    · Garut, 인도네시아
    "arrange a Meeting at Kampung Sampireun. Fresh air, far away from the noisy traffic, and feel confidential with confident."
    컨벤션 센터
    · Garut, 인도네시아
    "Visit Kampung Sampireun Resort & Spa and find out where this hidden place is..."
    카테고리 없음
    · Garut, 인도네시아
    "We have the best cooker to serve a great menu at the Employee Dining Rooms Menu too.. yummy, yum.."
    카테고리 없음
    · Garut, 인도네시아
    "With the cool breeze, the fresh air such nice to relax your day at the Taman Sari Royal Heritage Spa... take the special Sampireun massage and get special discount"
    "The best place for your holiday. Check in here and be our special 'Warga Kampung'"
    · Garut, 인도네시아