McGill University

McGill University


With some 300 buildings, more than 37,500 students and a reputation for excellence that reaches around the globe, McGill is among the world's great universities

Montréal, Canada
  • 53개의 팁
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  • 5 리스트
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  • Montreal
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McGill University의 상위권 도시
3 리스트가 생성됨 · 48 Tips
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McGill University
6 장소 업데이트됨 5월 26, 2016
6곳의 장소 McGill University Centre (Shatner), Musée Redpath Museum, Mont Royal, Macdonald Engineering Building 포함
McGill University
18 장소 업데이트됨 10월 19, 2012
Some of study spots that McGill's downtown campus offers to its hard-working students! Be sure to visit these spots at least once in your McGill lifetime!
McGill University
25 장소 업데이트됨 10월 17, 2012
Where you can grab a quick bite when you're on campus!
McGill University
0 장소 업데이트됨
0개의 장소
McGill University
1 장소 업데이트됨
1곳의 장소 McGill University 포함
    McGill University 님의 최근 팁
    "Player's theatre is also located within this student building!"
    McGill UniversityMcGill University · 10월 29, 2012
    · 몬트리올, 캐나다
    "A building beautifully designed and hidden gem between the McConnell engineering and Macdonald-Harrington building, walk inside and you'll see what I'm talking about :)"
    McGill UniversityMcGill University · 10월 29, 2012
    · 몬트리올, 캐나다
    "Take your family and walk down the path towards the infamous arts building!"
    McGill UniversityMcGill University · 10월 29, 2012
    · 몬트리올, 캐나다
    "Come up here for a beautiful overlook of the whole city!"
    McGill UniversityMcGill University · 10월 29, 2012
    · 몬트리올, 캐나다
    "The cafeteria on the 5th floor or the sun-filled area on the 6th floor are great places to study in a warm and bright environment!"
    McGill UniversityMcGill University · 10월 19, 2012
    대학 건물
    · 몬트리올, 캐나다
    "A cozy basement filled with tables, couches, and computers for your studying needs! The cafeteria is also open on weekdays!"
    McGill UniversityMcGill University · 10월 19, 2012
    · 몬트리올, 캐나다