Mercy Lounge

Mercy Lounge

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    "... local indie acts as well (우물) as national acts. Their daily specials are..."(Tips 2개)
팁 및 리뷰 아이콘35 팁 및 리뷰
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  • Armon M.
    Armon Means6월 30, 2013
    A new Nashville musical tradition. Its not the Ryman or Grand Old Opry but its got some years on it and stood the test of time. Great bands and great feel. Go see a show and enjoy it.
  • J.C. B.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    J.C. Bowman5월 16, 2016
    Always see Brad Paisley and Robben Ford when they are here! Oh and wear extra deodrant. Some folks may forget.
  • Blu
    Blu9월 8, 2014
    Great atmosphere for live music. Loved it! And has good places to go if you want something quiet for a break from inside.
  • Sherpa Concerts
    Sherpa Concerts3월 29, 2012
    One of Nashville's favorite music venues, Mercy Lounge will host Cash'd Out - a tribute to Johnny Cash - on 6/22. If you're a Cash fan (and who isn't?) this is a show you won't want to miss! 자세히 보기
    AEG TMG10월 8, 2010
    Mercy lounge is one of the best place in Nashville to check out local indie acts as well as national acts. Their daily specials are to die for. Something exciting happening everyday.
  • TicketWeb
    TicketWeb2월 18, 2011
    Mercy is a killer spot to scope out National & Local acts, JB & Drew will make you feel right at home. If the bar's busy, sneak over to bar in the backroom, just keep it on the DL. TW ♥'s Mercy Lounge 자세히 보기
    USA TODAY8월 12, 2013
    A very hip and chill atmosphere, this is the perfect spot for a date night out in Music City. 자세히 보기
  • Eric N.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Eric Near3월 28, 2015
    5회 이상 방문함
    Great atmosphere. May seem crowded but you always have a good view of the band.
  • Tim E.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Tim Edwards1월 6, 2015
    Great music venue.. no food..wear short sleeves...had a good time.
  • Lucky Magazine
    Lucky Magazine7월 5, 2012
    Cheap tickets. Cool local indie acts. Stellar draft beer. Done.
  • Chris C.
    Chris Carter7월 24, 2011
    10회 이상 방문함
    Freaking best most awesome staff, super cool tenders! The only way mercy could be better is if they had NOFX play here!!!
  • opie
    opie4월 19, 2010
    5회 이상 방문함
    Midlake was amazing here. Cool little venue w/ a great vibe. Beach House/Washed Out is sold out... going to have to figure out a way to snag tickets.
  • Michael A.
    Michael Ashby1월 15, 2014
    They stock local Nashville based Belle Mead bourbon! @BelleMeadeBRBN
  • Heidi H.
    Heidi Ho8월 30, 2012
    Check out their Halloween show this year! It's going to be amazing fun!
  • Freeman
    Freeman3월 16, 2010
    25회 이상 방문함
    Pool table near the patio is lopsided; but oh the patio -- best scene in Nashville around springtime.
  • Traveling V.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Traveling Veg12월 12, 2009
    100회 이상 방문함
    Be sure to check out 8 off 8th on Monday nights, and always tip your bartenders WELL. 자세히 보기
  • Dave P.
    Dave Paulson11월 21, 2009
    Play Rock N Roll Team Trivia on Tuesday nights and come in first place to win a $100 bar tab.
  • Dean S.
    Dean Shortland1월 9, 2011
    100회 이상 방문함
    This place is almost my additional living room, except Brandon Jazz is there and I am not naked.
  • Alexander F.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Alexander Frost4월 10, 2013
    Nice! Check it out!
  • Sam F.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Sam Foutz10월 19, 2011
    5회 이상 방문함
    Great place to see Rock Concerts.
  • Brenda B.
    Brenda Betancourt9월 19, 2014
  • Keri K.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Keri K.4월 18, 2016
    Standing room only.
  • Tabitha D.
    Tabitha Daniel7월 5, 2013
    10회 이상 방문함
    Sheer curiosity, why would Marcia actually pay $12 for a diet coke? Did she not notice? Be smart.
  • Keith H.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Keith Hayes1월 6, 2015
    Hot, very hot.
  • Jennifer P.
    Jennifer Preston5월 19, 2010
    Great drinks. Great bands. My favorite place!
  • Emily D.
    Emily Dryburgh1월 17, 2012
    I forgot there was a world outside of country music.
  • Leland (.
    Leland (USAAirman)9월 26, 2011
    Don't check into here! Not the correct Mercy Lounge!
  • Marcia M.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Marcia Millar8월 31, 2010
    10회 이상 방문함
    Watch out. Mercy will charge you for non-alcoholic drinks even if you order beer/mixed drinks in between. We paid $12 for Diet Coke on top of a $60 bar tab.
  • Dou g.
    Dou g10월 28, 2011
    10회 이상 방문함
    If you turn down a shot from Bruton, you'll have 7 years bad luck.
  • Nick C.
    Nick Curtis2월 7, 2012
    Come see cherub feb 11th!
    AEG TMG12월 20, 2010
    This is it! Win FREE 12 tickets to attend our concerts in 2011! Enter now 자세히 보기
  • Parker T.
    Parker Thompson3월 30, 2010
    love watching bands play here
  • Beth D.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Beth Downey12월 12, 2009
    5회 이상 방문함
    for faster drink service, hit up the back bar
  • Michael R.
    Michael Russell2월 4, 2011
    Place needs a real PA system. Just sayin.
  • Joshua C.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Joshua Crawford10월 13, 2010
    Nice brick
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