Michal Uhnák

Michal Uhnák


  • 2개의 팁
  • 40명의 팔로워
  • 47명의 팔로잉
  • 2 리스트
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Michal Uhnák
4 장소 업데이트됨
4곳의 장소 스키폴국제공항, l'Envie, Le Bellevue, Les Flots Bleus 포함
Michal Uhnák
22 장소 업데이트됨
22곳의 장소 Staromestská čajovňa, Štúr Cafe, Gorila.sk Urban Space, Kava.Bar 포함
    "Delicious Kapustnica (Cabbage soup with pork and mushrooms) and tasty "pirohy" with bacon, cream and dill. Reasonable prices. Waited 15 minutes for coffee and eventually didnt get it. Otherwise OK."
    Michal UhnákMichal Uhnák · 4월 18, 2014
    동유럽 음식
    · Donovaly, 슬로바키아
    "buy a guide brochure for just 25 NOK, there are really useful descriptions of buildings, their use and other stuff inside it. In deutsch, english, norsk :)"
    Michal UhnákMichal Uhnák · 2월 22, 2012
    역사 박물관
    · Trondheim, 노르웨이