Mohammad Hassan Jamshidi

Mohammad Hassan Jamshidi


Tehrān, Ostān-e Tehrān
  • 7개의 팁
  • 39명의 팔로워
  • 39명의 팔로잉
  • 2 리스트
Mohammad Hassan 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
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Mohammad Hassan의 상위권 도시
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Mohammad Hassan Jamshidi
0 장소 업데이트됨
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Mohammad Hassan Jamshidi
6 장소 업데이트됨
6곳의 장소 Sheak Shack | شیک شک, San Marco Ice Cream | بستنی ایتالیایی سان مارکو, Faculty of Fine Arts | پردیس هنرهای زیبا, Rosemary | رزمارى 포함
    Mohammad Hassan 님의 최근 팁
    "Hotdogs and Pastramies are delicious and tasty. Chicken fillets are also good. Additionally, you have to try french fries."
    Mohammad Hassan JamshidiMohammad Hassan Jamshidi · 3월 13, 2015
    · 테헤란, 이란
    "استیک اینجا یکی از بهترین های تهرانه. طبخ خوب و مقدار قابل قبول و طعمی که یادتون میمونه. پنه با مرغ خوشمزه س ولی چیزی نیست که تجربه جدیدی رو بهت بده. سالاد سزار متوسط با مرغ کم و البته سرد!"
    Mohammad Hassan JamshidiMohammad Hassan Jamshidi · 2월 14, 2015
    "مع الاسف اینجا اونقدر خوب هست و تصویر و صدا و خاطره سرازیر میکنه توی سرت که به گمونم تا اواخر عمر نتونی فراموشش کنی. برای من و البته خیلیا از رفقا یکی بهترین نقاط روی کره زمین هست."
    Mohammad Hassan JamshidiMohammad Hassan Jamshidi · 2월 14, 2015
    "Such a rudimentary airport. Restaurant and cafe resemble 1370s fastfoods. Wifi is free by getting a password. So, no way but bearing!"
    Mohammad Hassan JamshidiMohammad Hassan Jamshidi · 11월 23, 2014
    "Warm breakfast dish includin bacon and crepes are delicious. Vigorous atmosphere and unique decoration. Staffs are friendly. So it can make a great morning for you."
    Mohammad Hassan JamshidiMohammad Hassan Jamshidi · 11월 21, 2014
    "It's really better than what it looks. Rooms are clean and proper for a short trip. Calm place to stay but the sound of street. Cost is not high in compare to other options. Internet is accessible."
    Mohammad Hassan JamshidiMohammad Hassan Jamshidi · 11월 21, 2014
    · کرمان, 이란