Mrs. Valerie

Mrs. Valerie

Istanbul, Istanbul
  • 2개의 팁
  • 0명의 팔로워
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  • 2 리스트
Mrs. 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Istanbul
  • 모든 도시
Mrs.의 상위권 도시
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Mrs. Valerie
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Mrs. Valerie
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    "We bought many leather jackets from the NAPPA. They have lots of leather jackets with any styles and colours exactly what you want.👍Nappa is the one Leather store for shopping in GrandBazaar/İstanbul"
    Mrs. ValerieMrs. Valerie · 1월 1, 2014
    고급 여성복
    · Istanbul, 터키
    "I bought wonderful leather jackets from NAPPA. So kindly sales managers and fashionable many stylish leather products. Absolutely you should visit this store for high quality leather jackets...😉 👏"
    Mrs. ValerieMrs. Valerie · 1월 1, 2014
    · 비잔티온, 터키