Guide to Port Coquitlam's best spots
Planet Organic Market is one of Guide to Port Coquitlam's best spots.

1. Planet Organic Market

2755 Lougheed Hwy. (at Westwood St.), 포트코퀴틀럼, BC
식료품점 · 5개의 팁과 리뷰

Timothy S.Timothy Stephens: Good to have a place like this amidst all the larger grocery chains

2. Orca Bay

2850 Shaughnessy (Lougheed), 포트코퀴틀럼, BC
자동차 정비소 · 2개의 팁과 리뷰

Timothy S.Timothy Stephens: Motorcycle service desk is tops

3. Jon Baillie Arena

2150 Wilson Ave, 포트코퀴틀럼, BC
스케이트장 · 2개의 팁과 리뷰

Timothy S.Timothy Stephens: Stick and puck $6 for over an hour week day mornings

4. Fitness Town

109 - 2748 Lougheed Hwy (at Westwood St), 포트코퀴틀럼, BC
스포츠용품 소매점 · 2개의 팁과 리뷰

Timothy S.Timothy Stephens: lots of choice

5. Grant's Farm

2420 Burns Road, 포트코퀴틀럼, BC
농장 · 1개의 팁

Timothy S.Timothy Stephens: get your trick or treat jack