팁 및 리뷰 없음
- 아직 팁 없음회원님이 좋아했던 것, 주문한 것 또는 방문자에게 도움이 될만한 다른 조언에 대해 짧은 글을 남겨주세요.
3 사진 개
Bon Mi
베트남 음식 · $$
153 E Broadway
"Super friendly staff! Willing to accommodate alternative dietary habits (Vegan, for example). I have seen smiles around every time I've come to eat here."
Sweet Life Pâtisserie
디저트 · $
755 Monroe St (at W 6th St)
"Fantastic vegan desserts. Friendly atmosphere and a mostly quiet place to get some work done."
Sabai Café & Bar
태국 음식 · $$
27 Oakway Ctr
"Thai is something that Eugene does really well. It may be the best collective style of cuisine in town. Sabai is the best of the best."
만든 사람 Simply Serendipity
183개 항목
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